Hands on Py-ART
In this session, the Python ARM Radar Toolkit (Py-ART) package will be explored. For more information, including examples and developer and user documentation, visit https://arm-doe.github.io/pyart/.
This session will first show how to read a radar file and explore the radar object that is created from reading the radar file. Also in this session, we will learn how to plot radar data using Py-ART, how to modify the data in the radar object and how to create a new radar file from the radar object.
For this session, you should have the open virtual machine up and running on your system. The Py-ART Jupyter notebooks are accessible on your VM instance by starting the Jupyter server:
$ ./start_notebook.sh openradar
Then navigate with your host system’s browser to, and open the directory pyart_short_course
and start the notebook 1_pyart_reading_and_plotting_data.ipynb
from the list. We’ll take it from there…