Source code for pydda.retrieval.nesting

import pyart
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator
from .wind_retrieve import get_dd_wind_field
from datatree import DataTree

[docs] def get_dd_wind_field_nested(grid_tree: DataTree, **kwargs): """ Does a wind retrieval over nested grids. The nested grids are created using PyART's :func:`` function and then placed into a tree structure using :func:`dataTree`s. Each node of the tree has three parameters: .. list-table:: Title :widths: 25 100 :header-rows: 1 * - Dictionary key - Description * - input_grids - The list of PyART grids for the given level of the grid * - kwargs - The list of key word arguments for input to the :py:func:`pydda.retrieval.get_dd_wind_field` function for the set of grids. * - children - The list of trees that are the children of this node. The function will output the same tree, with the list of output grids of each level output to the 'output_grids' member of the tree structure. If *kwargs* is set to None, then the input keyword arguments will be used throughout the retrieval. """ # Look for radars in current level child_list = list(grid_tree.children.keys()) grid_list = [] rad_names = [] for child in child_list: if "radar" in child: grid_list.append(grid_tree[child].to_dataset()) rad_names.append(child) if len(list(grid_tree.attrs.keys())) == 0 and len(grid_list) > 0: output_grids, output_parameters = get_dd_wind_field(grid_list, **kwargs) elif len(grid_list) > 0: my_kwargs = grid_tree.attrs output_grids, output_parameters = get_dd_wind_field(grid_list, **my_kwargs) output_parameters = output_parameters.__dict__ grid_tree["weights"] = xr.DataArray( output_parameters.pop("weights"), dims=("nradar", "z", "y", "x") ) grid_tree["bg_weights"] = xr.DataArray( output_parameters.pop("bg_weights"), dims=("z", "y", "x") ) grid_tree["model_weights"] = xr.DataArray( output_parameters.pop("model_weights"), dims=("nmodel", "z", "y", "x") ) output_parameters.pop("u_model") output_parameters.pop("v_model") output_parameters.pop("w_model") grid_tree["output_parameters"] = xr.DataArray([], attrs=output_parameters) grid_tree.__setitem__("u", output_grids[0]["u"]) grid_tree.__setitem__("v", output_grids[0]["v"]) grid_tree.__setitem__("w", output_grids[0]["w"]) grid_tree["u"].attrs = output_grids[0]["u"].attrs grid_tree["v"].attrs = output_grids[0]["v"].attrs grid_tree["w"].attrs = output_grids[0]["w"].attrs if child_list == []: return grid_tree nests = [] for child in child_list: if "radar_" not in child: nests.append(child) nests = sorted(nests) for child in nests: # Only update child initalization if we are not in parent node if len(grid_list) > 0: temp_src = grid_tree[rad_names[0]].to_dataset() temp_src["u"] = grid_tree.ds["u"] temp_src["v"] = grid_tree.ds["v"] temp_src["w"] = grid_tree.ds["w"] input_grids = make_initialization_from_other_grid( temp_src, grid_tree.children[child][rad_names[0]].to_dataset() ) if "u" not in grid_tree.children[child][rad_names[0]].ds.variables.keys(): grid_tree.children[child][rad_names[0]].__setitem__( "u", xr.zeros_like( grid_tree.children[child][rad_names[0]].ds[ grid_tree.children[child][rad_names[0]].ds.attrs[ "first_grid_name" ] ] ), ) grid_tree.children[child][rad_names[0]]["u"].attrs = input_grids[ "u" ].attrs if "v" not in grid_tree.children[child][rad_names[0]].ds.variables.keys(): grid_tree.children[child][rad_names[0]].__setitem__( "v", xr.zeros_like( grid_tree.children[child][rad_names[0]].ds[ grid_tree.children[child][rad_names[0]].ds.attrs[ "first_grid_name" ] ] ), ) grid_tree.children[child][rad_names[0]]["v"].attrs = input_grids[ "v" ].attrs if "w" not in grid_tree.children[child][rad_names[0]].ds.variables.keys(): grid_tree.children[child][rad_names[0]].__setitem__( "w", xr.zeros_like( grid_tree.children[child][rad_names[0]].ds[ grid_tree.children[child][rad_names[0]].ds.attrs[ "first_grid_name" ] ] ), ) grid_tree.children[child][rad_names[0]]["w"].attrs = input_grids[ "w" ].attrs grid_tree.children[child][rad_names[0]].__setitem__("u", input_grids["u"]) grid_tree.children[child][rad_names[0]].__setitem__("v", input_grids["v"]) grid_tree.children[child][rad_names[0]].__setitem__("w", input_grids["w"]) grid_tree.children[child].parent.attrs["const_boundary_cond"] = True temp_tree = get_dd_wind_field_nested(grid_tree.children[child]) grid_tree.children[child].__setitem__("u", temp_tree["u"]) grid_tree.children[child].__setitem__("v", temp_tree["v"]) grid_tree.children[child].__setitem__("w", temp_tree["w"]) grid_tree.children[child]["u"].attrs = temp_tree.ds["u"].attrs grid_tree.children[child]["v"].attrs = temp_tree.ds["v"].attrs grid_tree.children[child]["w"].attrs = temp_tree.ds["w"].attrs # Update parent grids from children if len(rad_names) > 0: for child in nests: temp_src = grid_tree.children[child][rad_names[0]].to_dataset() temp_src["u"] = grid_tree.children[child].ds["u"] temp_src["v"] = grid_tree.children[child].ds["v"] temp_src["w"] = grid_tree.children[child].ds["w"] temp_dest = grid_tree[rad_names[0]].to_dataset() temp_dest["u"] = grid_tree.ds["u"] temp_dest["v"] = grid_tree.ds["v"] temp_dest["w"] = grid_tree.ds["w"] output_grids = make_initialization_from_other_grid( temp_src, temp_dest, ) grid_tree.__setitem__("u", output_grids["u"]) grid_tree.__setitem__("v", output_grids["v"]) grid_tree.__setitem__("w", output_grids["w"]) grid_tree["u"].attrs = output_grids["u"].attrs grid_tree["v"].attrs = output_grids["v"].attrs grid_tree["w"].attrs = output_grids["w"].attrs return grid_tree
[docs] def make_initialization_from_other_grid(grid_src, grid_dest, method="linear"): """ This function will create an initaliation by interpolating a wind field from a grid with a different specification than the analysis grid. This allows, for example, for interpolating a coarser grid onto a finer grid for further refinement of the retrieval. The source and destination grid must have the same origin point. Parameters ---------- grid_src: Grid The grid to interpolate. grid_dst: Grid The destination analysis grid to interpolate the source grid on. method: str Interpolation method to use Returns ------- grid: Grid The grid with the u, v, and w from the source grid interpolated. """ if not np.all( grid_src["origin_latitude"].values == grid_dest["origin_latitude"].values ): raise ValueError("Source and destination grid must have same lat/lon origin!") if not np.all( grid_src["origin_longitude"].values == grid_dest["origin_longitude"].values ): raise ValueError("Source and destination grid must have same lat/lon origin!") if not np.all( grid_src["origin_altitude"].values == grid_dest["origin_altitude"].values ): correction_factor = ( grid_dest["origin_altitude"].values - grid_src["origin_altitude"].values ) else: correction_factor = 0 u_src = grid_src["u"].values.squeeze() v_src = grid_src["v"].values.squeeze() w_src = grid_src["w"].values.squeeze() x_src = grid_src["x"].values y_src = grid_src["y"].values z_src = grid_src["z"].values x_dst = grid_dest["point_x"].values y_dst = grid_dest["point_y"].values z_dst = grid_dest["point_z"].values - correction_factor x_dst_p = grid_dest["x"].values y_dst_p = grid_dest["y"].values z_dst_p = grid_dest["z"].values - correction_factor # Subset destination grid coordinates x_src_min = x_src.min() x_src_max = x_src.max() y_src_min = y_src.min() y_src_max = y_src.max() z_src_min = z_src.min() z_src_max = z_src.max() subset_z = np.argwhere( np.logical_and(z_dst_p >= z_src_min, z_dst_p <= z_src_max) ).astype(int) subset_y = np.argwhere( np.logical_and(y_dst_p >= y_src_min, y_dst_p <= y_src_max) ).astype(int) subset_x = np.argwhere( np.logical_and(x_dst_p >= x_src_min, x_dst_p <= x_src_max) ).astype(int) u_interp = RegularGridInterpolator((z_src, y_src, x_src), u_src, method=method) v_interp = RegularGridInterpolator((z_src, y_src, x_src), v_src, method=method) w_interp = RegularGridInterpolator((z_src, y_src, x_src), w_src, method=method) u_dest = u_interp( ( z_dst[ int(subset_z[0]) : int(subset_z[-1] + 1), int(subset_y[0]) : int(subset_y[-1] + 1), int(subset_x[0]) : int(subset_x[-1] + 1), ], y_dst[ int(subset_z[0]) : int(subset_z[-1] + 1), int(subset_y[0]) : int(subset_y[-1] + 1), int(subset_x[0]) : int(subset_x[-1] + 1), ], x_dst[ int(subset_z[0]) : int(subset_z[-1] + 1), int(subset_y[0]) : int(subset_y[-1] + 1), int(subset_x[0]) : int(subset_x[-1] + 1), ], ) ) v_dest = v_interp( ( z_dst[ int(subset_z[0]) : int(subset_z[-1] + 1), int(subset_y[0]) : int(subset_y[-1] + 1), int(subset_x[0]) : int(subset_x[-1] + 1), ], y_dst[ int(subset_z[0]) : int(subset_z[-1] + 1), int(subset_y[0]) : int(subset_y[-1] + 1), int(subset_x[0]) : int(subset_x[-1] + 1), ], x_dst[ int(subset_z[0]) : int(subset_z[-1] + 1), int(subset_y[0]) : int(subset_y[-1] + 1), int(subset_x[0]) : int(subset_x[-1] + 1), ], ) ) w_dest = w_interp( ( z_dst[ int(subset_z[0]) : int(subset_z[-1] + 1), int(subset_y[0]) : int(subset_y[-1] + 1), int(subset_x[0]) : int(subset_x[-1] + 1), ], y_dst[ int(subset_z[0]) : int(subset_z[-1] + 1), int(subset_y[0]) : int(subset_y[-1] + 1), int(subset_x[0]) : int(subset_x[-1] + 1), ], x_dst[ int(subset_z[0]) : int(subset_z[-1] + 1), int(subset_y[0]) : int(subset_y[-1] + 1), int(subset_x[0]) : int(subset_x[-1] + 1), ], ) ) if "u" not in grid_dest.variables.keys(): grid_dest["u"] = xr.DataArray( np.expand_dims(u_dest, 0), dims=("time", "z", "y", "x"), attrs=grid_src["u"].attrs, ) else: grid_dest["u"][ :, int(subset_z[0]) : int(subset_z[-1] + 1), int(subset_y[0]) : int(subset_y[-1] + 1), int(subset_x[0]) : int(subset_x[-1] + 1), ] = np.expand_dims(u_dest, 0) grid_dest["u"].attrs = grid_src["u"].attrs if "v" not in grid_dest.variables.keys(): grid_dest["v"] = xr.DataArray( np.expand_dims(v_dest, 0), dims=("time", "z", "y", "x"), attrs=grid_src["v"].attrs, ) else: grid_dest["v"][ :, int(subset_z[0]) : int(subset_z[-1] + 1), int(subset_y[0]) : int(subset_y[-1] + 1), int(subset_x[0]) : int(subset_x[-1] + 1), ] = np.expand_dims(v_dest, 0) grid_dest["v"].attrs = grid_src["v"].attrs if "w" not in grid_dest.variables.keys(): grid_dest["w"] = xr.DataArray( np.expand_dims(w_dest, 0), dims=("time", "z", "y", "x"), attrs=grid_src["w"].attrs, ) else: grid_dest["w"][ :, int(subset_z[0]) : int(subset_z[-1] + 1), int(subset_y[0]) : int(subset_y[-1] + 1), int(subset_x[0]) : int(subset_x[-1] + 1), ] = w_dest grid_dest["w"].attrs = grid_src["w"].attrs return grid_dest