Source code for pydda.retrieval.nesting

import pyart
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator
from .wind_retrieve import get_dd_wind_field
from xarray import DataTree

[docs] def get_dd_wind_field_nested(grid_tree: DataTree, **kwargs): """ Does a wind retrieval over nested grids. The nested grids are created using PyART's :func:`` function and then placed into a tree structure using :func:`dataTree`s. Each node of the tree has three parameters: .. list-table:: Title :widths: 25 100 :header-rows: 1 * - Dictionary key - Description * - input_grids - The list of PyART grids for the given level of the grid * - kwargs - The list of key word arguments for input to the :py:func:`pydda.retrieval.get_dd_wind_field` function for the set of grids. The function will output the same tree, with the list of output grids of each level output to the 'output_grids' member of the tree structure. If *kwargs* is set to None, then the input keyword arguments will be used throughout the retrieval. """ # Look for radars in current level child_list = list(grid_tree.children.keys()) grid_list = [] rad_names = [] # We are at the parent level, look for nest 0 if "nest_0" in child_list: for child in grid_tree["nest_0"].children.keys(): if "radar_" in child: grid_list.append(grid_tree["nest_0"][child].to_dataset()) rad_names.append(child) tree_attrs = grid_tree["nest_0"].attrs in_parent = True else: tree_attrs = grid_tree.attrs # We are in nest 1...n for child in child_list: if "radar_" in child: grid_list.append(grid_tree[child].to_dataset()) rad_names.append(child) in_parent = False if len(list(tree_attrs.keys())) == 0 and len(grid_list) > 0: output_grids, output_parameters = get_dd_wind_field(grid_list, **kwargs) elif len(grid_list) > 0: my_kwargs = tree_attrs output_grids, output_parameters = get_dd_wind_field(grid_list, **my_kwargs) output_parameters = output_parameters.__dict__ if in_parent is True: grid_tree["nest_0"]["weights"] = xr.DataArray( output_parameters.pop("weights"), dims=("nradars", "z", "y", "x") ) grid_tree["nest_0"]["bg_weights"] = xr.DataArray( output_parameters.pop("bg_weights"), dims=("z", "y", "x") ) grid_tree["nest_0"]["model_weights"] = xr.DataArray( output_parameters.pop("model_weights"), dims=("nmodel", "z", "y", "x") ) output_parameters.pop("u_model") output_parameters.pop("v_model") output_parameters.pop("w_model") grid_tree["nest_0"]["output_parameters"] = xr.DataArray( [], attrs=output_parameters ) grid_tree["nest_0"].__setitem__("u", output_grids[0]["u"]) grid_tree["nest_0"].__setitem__("v", output_grids[0]["v"]) grid_tree["nest_0"].__setitem__("w", output_grids[0]["w"]) grid_tree["nest_0"]["u"].attrs = output_grids[0]["u"].attrs grid_tree["nest_0"]["v"].attrs = output_grids[0]["v"].attrs grid_tree["nest_0"]["w"].attrs = output_grids[0]["w"].attrs else: grid_tree["weights"] = xr.DataArray( output_parameters.pop("weights"), dims=("nradars", "z", "y", "x") ) grid_tree["bg_weights"] = xr.DataArray( output_parameters.pop("bg_weights"), dims=("z", "y", "x") ) grid_tree["model_weights"] = xr.DataArray( output_parameters.pop("model_weights"), dims=("nmodel", "z", "y", "x") ) output_parameters.pop("u_model") output_parameters.pop("v_model") output_parameters.pop("w_model") grid_tree["output_parameters"] = xr.DataArray([], attrs=output_parameters) grid_tree.__setitem__("u", output_grids[0]["u"]) grid_tree.__setitem__("v", output_grids[0]["v"]) grid_tree.__setitem__("w", output_grids[0]["w"]) grid_tree["u"].attrs = output_grids[0]["u"].attrs grid_tree["v"].attrs = output_grids[0]["v"].attrs grid_tree["w"].attrs = output_grids[0]["w"].attrs if child_list == []: return grid_tree nests = [] for child in child_list: if "nest_" in child: nests.append(child) nests = sorted(nests) for i, child in enumerate(nests): if i == 0: continue # Only update child initalization if we are not in parent node if len(grid_list) > 0: temp_src = grid_tree[f"nest_{i-1}"][rad_names[0]].to_dataset() temp_src["u"] = grid_tree[f"nest_{i-1}"].ds["u"] temp_src["v"] = grid_tree[f"nest_{i-1}"].ds["v"] temp_src["w"] = grid_tree[f"nest_{i-1}"].ds["w"] input_grids = make_initialization_from_other_grid( temp_src, grid_tree.children[child][rad_names[0]].to_dataset() ) if "u" not in grid_tree.children[child][rad_names[0]].ds.variables.keys(): grid_tree.children[child][rad_names[0]].__setitem__( "u", xr.zeros_like( grid_tree.children[child][rad_names[0]].ds[ grid_tree.children[child][rad_names[0]].ds.attrs[ "first_grid_name" ] ] ), ) grid_tree.children[child][rad_names[0]]["u"].attrs = input_grids[ "u" ].attrs if "v" not in grid_tree.children[child][rad_names[0]].ds.variables.keys(): grid_tree.children[child][rad_names[0]].__setitem__( "v", xr.zeros_like( grid_tree.children[child][rad_names[0]].ds[ grid_tree.children[child][rad_names[0]].ds.attrs[ "first_grid_name" ] ] ), ) grid_tree.children[child][rad_names[0]]["v"].attrs = input_grids[ "v" ].attrs if "w" not in grid_tree.children[child][rad_names[0]].ds.variables.keys(): grid_tree.children[child][rad_names[0]].__setitem__( "w", xr.zeros_like( grid_tree.children[child][rad_names[0]].ds[ grid_tree.children[child][rad_names[0]].ds.attrs[ "first_grid_name" ] ] ), ) grid_tree.children[child][rad_names[0]]["w"].attrs = input_grids[ "w" ].attrs grid_tree.children[child][rad_names[0]].__setitem__("u", input_grids["u"]) grid_tree.children[child][rad_names[0]].__setitem__("v", input_grids["v"]) grid_tree.children[child][rad_names[0]].__setitem__("w", input_grids["w"]) grid_tree.children[child].parent.attrs["const_boundary_cond"] = True temp_tree = get_dd_wind_field_nested(grid_tree.children[child]) grid_tree.children[child].__setitem__("u", temp_tree["u"]) grid_tree.children[child].__setitem__("v", temp_tree["v"]) grid_tree.children[child].__setitem__("w", temp_tree["w"]) grid_tree.children[child]["u"].attrs = temp_tree.ds["u"].attrs grid_tree.children[child]["v"].attrs = temp_tree.ds["v"].attrs grid_tree.children[child]["w"].attrs = temp_tree.ds["w"].attrs # Update parent grids from children for child in child_list: if "nest_" in child: nests.append(child) nests = sorted(nests) if len(rad_names) > 0: for i, child in enumerate(nests[:-1]): temp_src = grid_tree.children[nests[i + 1]][rad_names[0]].to_dataset() temp_src["u"] = grid_tree.children[nests[i + 1]].ds["u"] temp_src["v"] = grid_tree.children[nests[i + 1]].ds["v"] temp_src["w"] = grid_tree.children[nests[i + 1]].ds["w"] temp_dest = grid_tree.children[nests[i]][rad_names[0]].to_dataset() temp_dest["u"] = grid_tree.children[nests[i]].ds["u"] temp_dest["v"] = grid_tree.children[nests[i]].ds["v"] temp_dest["w"] = grid_tree.children[nests[i]].ds["w"] output_grids = make_initialization_from_other_grid( temp_src, temp_dest, ) grid_tree.children[nests[i]].__setitem__("u", output_grids["u"]) grid_tree.children[nests[i]].__setitem__("v", output_grids["v"]) grid_tree.children[nests[i]].__setitem__("w", output_grids["w"]) grid_tree.children[nests[i]]["u"].attrs = output_grids["u"].attrs grid_tree.children[nests[i]]["v"].attrs = output_grids["v"].attrs grid_tree.children[nests[i]]["w"].attrs = output_grids["w"].attrs return grid_tree
[docs] def make_initialization_from_other_grid(grid_src, grid_dest, method="linear"): """ This function will create an initaliation by interpolating a wind field from a grid with a different specification than the analysis grid. This allows, for example, for interpolating a coarser grid onto a finer grid for further refinement of the retrieval. The source and destination grid must have the same origin point. Parameters ---------- grid_src: Grid The grid to interpolate. grid_dst: Grid The destination analysis grid to interpolate the source grid on. method: str Interpolation method to use Returns ------- grid: Grid The grid with the u, v, and w from the source grid interpolated. """ if not np.all( grid_src["origin_latitude"].values == grid_dest["origin_latitude"].values ): raise ValueError("Source and destination grid must have same lat/lon origin!") if not np.all( grid_src["origin_longitude"].values == grid_dest["origin_longitude"].values ): raise ValueError("Source and destination grid must have same lat/lon origin!") if not np.all( grid_src["origin_altitude"].values == grid_dest["origin_altitude"].values ): correction_factor = ( grid_dest["origin_altitude"].values - grid_src["origin_altitude"].values ) else: correction_factor = 0 u_src = grid_src["u"].values.squeeze() v_src = grid_src["v"].values.squeeze() w_src = grid_src["w"].values.squeeze() x_src = grid_src["x"].values y_src = grid_src["y"].values z_src = grid_src["z"].values x_dst = grid_dest["point_x"].values y_dst = grid_dest["point_y"].values z_dst = grid_dest["point_z"].values - correction_factor x_dst_p = grid_dest["x"].values y_dst_p = grid_dest["y"].values z_dst_p = grid_dest["z"].values - correction_factor # Subset destination grid coordinates x_src_min = x_src.min() x_src_max = x_src.max() y_src_min = y_src.min() y_src_max = y_src.max() z_src_min = z_src.min() z_src_max = z_src.max() subset_z = np.argwhere( np.logical_and(z_dst_p >= z_src_min, z_dst_p <= z_src_max) ).astype(int) subset_y = np.argwhere( np.logical_and(y_dst_p >= y_src_min, y_dst_p <= y_src_max) ).astype(int) subset_x = np.argwhere( np.logical_and(x_dst_p >= x_src_min, x_dst_p <= x_src_max) ).astype(int) u_interp = RegularGridInterpolator((z_src, y_src, x_src), u_src, method=method) v_interp = RegularGridInterpolator((z_src, y_src, x_src), v_src, method=method) w_interp = RegularGridInterpolator((z_src, y_src, x_src), w_src, method=method) u_dest = u_interp( ( z_dst[ int(subset_z[0]) : int(subset_z[-1] + 1), int(subset_y[0]) : int(subset_y[-1] + 1), int(subset_x[0]) : int(subset_x[-1] + 1), ], y_dst[ int(subset_z[0]) : int(subset_z[-1] + 1), int(subset_y[0]) : int(subset_y[-1] + 1), int(subset_x[0]) : int(subset_x[-1] + 1), ], x_dst[ int(subset_z[0]) : int(subset_z[-1] + 1), int(subset_y[0]) : int(subset_y[-1] + 1), int(subset_x[0]) : int(subset_x[-1] + 1), ], ) ) v_dest = v_interp( ( z_dst[ int(subset_z[0]) : int(subset_z[-1] + 1), int(subset_y[0]) : int(subset_y[-1] + 1), int(subset_x[0]) : int(subset_x[-1] + 1), ], y_dst[ int(subset_z[0]) : int(subset_z[-1] + 1), int(subset_y[0]) : int(subset_y[-1] + 1), int(subset_x[0]) : int(subset_x[-1] + 1), ], x_dst[ int(subset_z[0]) : int(subset_z[-1] + 1), int(subset_y[0]) : int(subset_y[-1] + 1), int(subset_x[0]) : int(subset_x[-1] + 1), ], ) ) w_dest = w_interp( ( z_dst[ int(subset_z[0]) : int(subset_z[-1] + 1), int(subset_y[0]) : int(subset_y[-1] + 1), int(subset_x[0]) : int(subset_x[-1] + 1), ], y_dst[ int(subset_z[0]) : int(subset_z[-1] + 1), int(subset_y[0]) : int(subset_y[-1] + 1), int(subset_x[0]) : int(subset_x[-1] + 1), ], x_dst[ int(subset_z[0]) : int(subset_z[-1] + 1), int(subset_y[0]) : int(subset_y[-1] + 1), int(subset_x[0]) : int(subset_x[-1] + 1), ], ) ) if "u" not in grid_dest.variables.keys(): grid_dest["u"] = xr.DataArray( np.expand_dims(u_dest, 0), dims=("time", "z", "y", "x"), attrs=grid_src["u"].attrs, ) else: grid_dest["u"][ :, int(subset_z[0]) : int(subset_z[-1] + 1), int(subset_y[0]) : int(subset_y[-1] + 1), int(subset_x[0]) : int(subset_x[-1] + 1), ] = np.expand_dims(u_dest, 0) grid_dest["u"].attrs = grid_src["u"].attrs if "v" not in grid_dest.variables.keys(): grid_dest["v"] = xr.DataArray( np.expand_dims(v_dest, 0), dims=("time", "z", "y", "x"), attrs=grid_src["v"].attrs, ) else: grid_dest["v"][ :, int(subset_z[0]) : int(subset_z[-1] + 1), int(subset_y[0]) : int(subset_y[-1] + 1), int(subset_x[0]) : int(subset_x[-1] + 1), ] = np.expand_dims(v_dest, 0) grid_dest["v"].attrs = grid_src["v"].attrs if "w" not in grid_dest.variables.keys(): grid_dest["w"] = xr.DataArray( np.expand_dims(w_dest, 0), dims=("time", "z", "y", "x"), attrs=grid_src["w"].attrs, ) else: grid_dest["w"][ :, int(subset_z[0]) : int(subset_z[-1] + 1), int(subset_y[0]) : int(subset_y[-1] + 1), int(subset_x[0]) : int(subset_x[-1] + 1), ] = w_dest grid_dest["w"].attrs = grid_src["w"].attrs return grid_dest