Source code for pydda.vis.quiver_plot

import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import as ccrs
import warnings

from .. import retrieval
from matplotlib.axes import Axes
from xarray import DataTree

    from cartopy.mpl.geoaxes import GeoAxes

except ImportError:

GeoAxes._pcolormesh_patched = Axes.pcolormesh

[docs] def plot_horiz_xsection_quiver( Grids, ax=None, background_field="reflectivity", level=1, cmap="ChaseSpectral", vmin=0, vmax=70, u_vel_contours=None, v_vel_contours=None, w_vel_contours=None, wind_vel_contours=None, u_field="u", v_field="v", w_field="w", show_lobes=True, title_flag=True, axes_labels_flag=True, colorbar_flag=True, colorbar_contour_flag=False, bg_grid_no=0, scale=3, quiver_spacing_x_km=10.0, quiver_spacing_y_km=10.0, contour_alpha=0.7, quiverkey_len=5.0, quiverkey_loc="best", quiver_width=0.01, ): """ This procedure plots a horizontal cross section of winds from wind fields generated by PyDDA using quivers. The length of the quivers varies with horizontal wind speed. Parameters ---------- Grids: list or DataTree List of Py-DDA Grids to visualize ax: matplotlib axis handle The axis handle to place the plot on. Set to None to plot on the current axis. background_field: str The name of the background field to plot the quivers on. level: int The number of the vertical level to plot the cross section through. cmap: str or matplotlib colormap The name of the matplotlib colormap to use for the background field. vmin: float The minimum bound to use for plotting the background field. None will automatically detect the background field minimum. vmax: float The maximum bound to use for plotting the background field. None will automatically detect the background field maximum. u_vel_contours: 1-D array The contours to use for plotting contours of u. Set to None to not display such contours. v_vel_contours: 1-D array The contours to use for plotting contours of v. Set to None to not display such contours. w_vel_contours: 1-D array The contours to use for plotting contours of w. Set to None to not display such contours. wind_vel_contours: 1-D array The contours to use for plotting contours of horizontal wind speed. Set to None to not display such contours u_field: str Name of zonal wind (u) field in Grids. v_field: str Name of meridional wind (v) field in Grids. w_field: str Name of vertical wind (w) field in Grids. show_lobes: bool If True, the dual doppler lobes from each pair of radars will be shown. title_flag: bool If True, PyDDA will generate a title for the plot. axes_labels_flag: bool If True, PyDDA will generate axes labels for the plot colorbar_flag: bool If True, PyDDA will generate a colorbar for the plot background field. colorbar_contour_flag: bool If True, PyDDA will generate a colorbar for the contours. bg_grid_no: int Number of grid in Grids to take background field from. Set to -1 to use maximum value from all grids. quiver_spacing_x_km: float Spacing in km between quivers in x axis. quiver_spacing_y_km: float Spacing in km between quivers in y axis. contour_alpha: float Alpha (transparency) of velocity contours. 0 = transparent, 1 = opaque quiverkey_len: float Length to use for the quiver key in m/s. quiverkey_loc: str Location of quiverkey. One of: 'best' 'top_left' 'top' 'top_right' 'bottom_left' 'bottom' 'bottom_right' 'left' 'right' 'top_left_outside' 'top_right_outside' 'bottom_left_outside' 'bottom_right_outside' 'best' will put the quiver key in the corner with the fewest amount of valid data points while keeping the quiver key inside the plot. The rest of the options will put the quiver key in that particular part of the plot. quiver_width: float The width of the lines for the quiver. Use this to specify the thickness of the quiver lines. Units are in fraction of plot width. Returns ------- ax: Matplotlib axis handle The matplotlib axis handle associated with the plot. """ if isinstance(Grids, DataTree): child_list = list(Grids.children.keys()) grid_list = [] rad_names = [] for child in child_list: if "radar" in child: grid_list.append(Grids[child].to_dataset()) rad_names.append(child) bca_min = math.radians(Grids[u_field].attrs["min_bca"]) bca_max = math.radians(Grids[u_field].attrs["max_bca"]) else: grid_list = Grids bca_min = math.radians(grid_list[0][u_field].attrs["min_bca"]) bca_max = math.radians(grid_list[0][u_field].attrs["max_bca"]) grid_bg = grid_list[bg_grid_no][background_field].values.squeeze() grid_bg = if not CARTOPY_AVAILABLE: raise ModuleNotFoundError( "Cartopy needs to be installed in order to use plotting module!" ) if vmin is None: vmin = grid_bg.min() if vmax is None: vmax = grid_bg.max() grid_h = grid_list[0]["point_altitude"].values / 1e3 grid_x = grid_list[0]["point_x"].values / 1e3 grid_y = grid_list[0]["point_y"].values / 1e3 dx = np.diff(grid_x, axis=2)[0, 0, 0] dy = np.diff(grid_y, axis=1)[0, 0, 0] if isinstance(Grids, DataTree): u = Grids[u_field].values.squeeze() v = Grids[v_field].values.squeeze() w = Grids[w_field].values.squeeze() else: u = grid_list[0][u_field].values.squeeze() v = grid_list[0][v_field].values.squeeze() w = grid_list[0][w_field].values.squeeze() qloc_x, qloc_y = _parse_quiverkey_string( quiverkey_loc, grid_h[level], grid_x[level], grid_y[level], grid_bg[level] ) if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() the_mesh = ax.pcolormesh( grid_x[level, :, :], grid_y[level, :, :], grid_bg[level, :, :], cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, )**2 + v**2) quiver_density_x = int((1 / dx) * quiver_spacing_x_km) quiver_density_y = int((1 / dy) * quiver_spacing_y_km) q = ax.quiver( grid_x[level, ::quiver_density_y, ::quiver_density_x], grid_y[level, ::quiver_density_y, ::quiver_density_x], u[level, ::quiver_density_y, ::quiver_density_x], v[level, ::quiver_density_y, ::quiver_density_x], color="k", scale=25.0 * quiverkey_len, scale_units="width", width=quiver_width, ) quiver_font = { "family": "sans-serif", "style": "normal", "variant": "normal", "weight": "bold", "size": "medium", } ax.quiverkey( q, qloc_x, qloc_y, quiverkey_len, label=(str(quiverkey_len) + " m/s"), fontproperties=quiver_font, ) if colorbar_flag is True: cp = grid_list[bg_grid_no][background_field].attrs["long_name"] cp.replace(" ", "_") cp = cp + " [" + grid_list[bg_grid_no][background_field].attrs["units"] cp = cp + "]" plt.colorbar(the_mesh, ax=ax, label=(cp)) if u_vel_contours is not None: u_filled =[level, :, :], fill_value=np.nan) cs = ax.contour( grid_x[level, :, :], grid_y[level, :, :], u_filled, levels=u_vel_contours, linewidths=2, ) ax.clabel(cs) if colorbar_contour_flag is True: plt.colorbar(cs, ax=ax, label="U [m/s]") if v_vel_contours is not None: v_filled =[level, :, :], fill_value=np.nan) cs = ax.contour( grid_x[level, :, :], grid_y[level, :, :], v_filled, levels=u_vel_contours, linewidths=2, ) ax.clabel(cs) if colorbar_contour_flag is True: plt.colorbar(cs, ax=ax, label="V [m/s]") if w_vel_contours is not None: w_filled =[level, :, :], fill_value=np.nan) cs = ax.contour( grid_x[level, :, :], grid_y[level, :, :], w_filled, levels=w_vel_contours, linewidths=2, ) ax.clabel(cs) if colorbar_contour_flag is True: plt.colorbar(cs, ax=ax, label="W [m/s]") if wind_vel_contours is not None: vel =[level, :, :] ** 2 + v[level, :, :] ** 2) # vel = vel.filled(fill_value=np.nan) cs = ax.contour( grid_x[level, :, :], grid_y[level, :, :], vel, levels=wind_vel_contours, linewidths=2, ) cs.set_clim([np.min(wind_vel_contours), np.max(wind_vel_contours)]) cs.cmap.set_under(color="white", alpha=0) cs.cmap.set_bad(color="white", alpha=0) ax.clabel(cs) if colorbar_contour_flag is True: plt.colorbar(cs, ax=ax, label="|V| [m/s]") if show_lobes is True: for i in range(len(grid_list)): for j in range(len(grid_list)): if i != j: bca = retrieval.get_bca( grid_list[i], grid_list[j], ) ax.contour( grid_x[level, :, :], grid_y[level, :, :], bca, levels=[bca_min, bca_max], color="k", ) if axes_labels_flag is True: ax.set_xlabel(("X [km]")) ax.set_ylabel(("Y [km]")) if title_flag is True: ax.set_title(("PyDDA retreived winds @" + str(grid_h[level, 0, 0]) + " km")) ax.set_xlim([grid_x.min(), grid_x.max()]) ax.set_ylim([grid_y.min(), grid_y.max()]) return ax
[docs] def plot_horiz_xsection_quiver_map( Grids, ax=None, background_field="reflectivity", level=1, cmap="ChaseSpectral", vmin=0, vmax=70, u_vel_contours=None, v_vel_contours=None, w_vel_contours=None, wind_vel_contours=None, u_field="u", v_field="v", w_field="w", show_lobes=True, title_flag=True, axes_labels_flag=True, colorbar_flag=True, colorbar_contour_flag=False, bg_grid_no=0, contour_alpha=0.7, coastlines=True, quiver_spacing_x_km=10.0, quiver_spacing_y_km=10.0, gridlines=True, quiverkey_len=5.0, quiverkey_loc="best", quiver_width=0.01, ): """ This procedure plots a horizontal cross section of winds from wind fields generated by PyDDA using quivers onto a geographical map. The length of the quivers varies with wind speed. Parameters ---------- Grids: list or DataTree List of Py-DDA Grids to visualize ax: matplotlib axis handle (with cartopy ccrs) The axis handle to place the plot on. Set to None to create a new map. Note: the axis needs to be in a PlateCarree() projection. Support for other projections is planned in the future. background_field: str The name of the background field to plot the quivers on. level: int The number of the vertical level to plot the cross section through. cmap: str or matplotlib colormap The name of the matplotlib colormap to use for the background field. vmin: float The minimum bound to use for plotting the background field. None will automatically detect the background field minimum. vmax: float The maximum bound to use for plotting the background field. None will automatically detect the background field maximum. u_vel_contours: 1-D array The contours to use for plotting contours of u. Set to None to not display such contours. v_vel_contours: 1-D array The contours to use for plotting contours of v. Set to None to not display such contours. w_vel_contours: 1-D array The contours to use for plotting contours of w. Set to None to not display such contours. u_field: str Name of zonal wind (u) field in Grids. v_field: str Name of meridional wind (v) field in Grids. w_field: str Name of vertical wind (w) field in Grids. show_lobes: bool If True, the dual doppler lobes from each pair of radars will be shown. title_flag: bool If True, PyDDA will generate a title for the plot. axes_labels_flag: bool If True, PyDDA will generate axes labels for the plot. colorbar_flag: bool If True, PyDDA will generate a colorbar for the plot background field. colorbar_contour_flag: bool If True, PyDDA will generate a colorbar for the contours. bg_grid_no: int Number of grid in Grids to take background field from. Set to -1 to use maximum value from all grids. contour_alpha: float Alpha (transparency) of velocity contours. 0 = transparent, 1 = opaque coastlines: bool Set to true to display coastlines. quiver_spacing_x_km: float Spacing in km between quivers in x axis. quiver_spacing_y_km: float Spacing in km between quivers in y axis. gridlines: bool Set to true to show grid lines. quiverkey_len: float Length to use for the quiver key in m/s. quiverkey_loc: str Location of quiverkey. One of: 'best' 'top_left' 'top' 'top_right' 'bottom_left' 'bottom' 'bottom_right' 'left' 'right' 'top_left_outside' 'top_right_outside' 'bottom_left_outside' 'bottom_right_outside' 'best' will put the quiver key in the corner with the fewest amount of valid data points while keeping the quiver key inside the plot. The rest of the options will put the quiver key in that particular part of the plot. quiver_width: float The width of the lines for the quiver given as a fraction relative to the plot width. Use this to specify the thickness of the quiver lines. Returns ------- ax: matplotlib axis Axis handle to output axis """ if isinstance(Grids, DataTree): child_list = list(Grids.children.keys()) grid_list = [] rad_names = [] for child in child_list: if "radar" in child: grid_list.append(Grids[child].to_dataset()) rad_names.append(child) bca_min = math.radians(Grids[u_field].attrs["min_bca"]) bca_max = math.radians(Grids[u_field].attrs["max_bca"]) else: grid_list = Grids bca_min = math.radians(grid_list[0][u_field].attrs["min_bca"]) bca_max = math.radians(grid_list[0][u_field].attrs["max_bca"]) if not CARTOPY_AVAILABLE: raise ModuleNotFoundError( "Cartopy needs to be installed in order to use plotting module!" ) if bg_grid_no > -1: grid_bg = grid_list[bg_grid_no][background_field].values.squeeze() else: grid_array = [x[background_field].values.squeeze() for x in grid_list] ) grid_bg = grid_array.max(axis=0) grid_bg = if vmin is None: vmin = grid_bg.min() if vmax is None: vmax = grid_bg.max() grid_h = grid_list[0]["point_altitude"].values / 1e3 grid_x = grid_list[0]["point_x"].values / 1e3 grid_y = grid_list[0]["point_y"].values / 1e3 grid_lat = grid_list[0].point_latitude.values[level] grid_lon = grid_list[0].point_longitude.values[level] qloc_x, qloc_y = _parse_quiverkey_string( quiverkey_loc, grid_h[level], grid_x[level], grid_y[level], grid_bg[level] ) dx = np.diff(grid_x, axis=2)[0, 0, 0] dy = np.diff(grid_y, axis=1)[0, 0, 0] if isinstance(Grids, DataTree): u = Grids[u_field].values.squeeze() v = Grids[v_field].values.squeeze() w = Grids[w_field].values.squeeze() else: if[0][u_field].values.squeeze()): u = grid_list[0][u_field].values.squeeze().filled(fill_value=np.nan) else: u = grid_list[0][u_field].values.squeeze() if[0][v_field].values): v = grid_list[0][v_field].values.squeeze().filled(fill_value=np.nan) else: v = grid_list[0][v_field].values.squeeze() if[0][u_field].values): w = grid_list[0][w_field].values.squeeze().filled(fill_value=np.nan) else: w = grid_list[0][w_field].values.squeeze() transform = ccrs.PlateCarree() if ax is None: ax = plt.axes(projection=transform) the_mesh = ax.pcolormesh( grid_lon[:, :], grid_lat[:, :], grid_bg[level, :, :], cmap=cmap, transform=transform, zorder=0, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, )**2 + v**2) quiver_density_x = int((1 / dx) * quiver_spacing_x_km) quiver_density_y = int((1 / dy) * quiver_spacing_y_km) q = ax.quiver( grid_lon[::quiver_density_y, ::quiver_density_x], grid_lat[::quiver_density_y, ::quiver_density_x], u[level, ::quiver_density_y, ::quiver_density_x], v[level, ::quiver_density_y, ::quiver_density_x], transform=transform, width=quiver_width, scale=25.0 * quiverkey_len, ) quiver_font = { "family": "sans-serif", "style": "normal", "variant": "normal", "weight": "bold", "size": "medium", } ax.quiverkey( q, qloc_x, qloc_y, quiverkey_len, label=(str(quiverkey_len) + " m/s"), fontproperties=quiver_font, ) if colorbar_flag is True: cp = grid_list[bg_grid_no][background_field].attrs["long_name"] cp.replace(" ", "_") cp = cp + " [" + grid_list[bg_grid_no][background_field].attrs["units"] cp = cp + "]" plt.colorbar(the_mesh, ax=ax, label=(cp)) if u_vel_contours is not None: u_filled = u[level, :, :] < np.min(u_vel_contours), u[level, :, :] ) try: cs = ax.contour( grid_lon[:, :], grid_lat[:, :], u_filled, levels=u_vel_contours, linewidths=2, zorder=2, extend="both", ) cs.set_clim([np.min(u_vel_contours), np.max(u_vel_contours)]) cs.cmap.set_under(color="white", alpha=0) cs.cmap.set_over(color="white", alpha=0) cs.cmap.set_bad(color="white", alpha=0) ax.clabel(cs) if colorbar_contour_flag is True: plt.colorbar( cs, ax=ax, label="U [m/s]", extend="both", spacing="proportional" ) except ValueError: warnings.warn( ( "Cartopy does not support blank contour plots, " + "contour color map not drawn!" ), RuntimeWarning, ) if v_vel_contours is not None: v_filled = v[level, :, :] < np.min(v_vel_contours), v[level, :, :] ) try: cs = ax.contour( grid_lon[:, :], grid_lat[:, :], v_filled, levels=u_vel_contours, linewidths=2, zorder=2, extend="both", ) cs.set_clim([np.min(v_vel_contours), np.max(v_vel_contours)]) cs.cmap.set_under(color="white", alpha=0) cs.cmap.set_over(color="white", alpha=0) cs.cmap.set_bad(color="white", alpha=0) ax.clabel(cs) if colorbar_contour_flag is True: plt.colorbar( cs, ax=ax, label="V [m/s]", extend="both", spacing="proportional" ) except ValueError: warnings.warn( ( "Cartopy does not support blank contour plots, " + "contour color map not drawn!" ), RuntimeWarning, ) if w_vel_contours is not None: w_filled = w[level, :, :] < np.min(w_vel_contours), w[level, :, :] ) try: cs = ax.contour( grid_lon[::, ::], grid_lat[::, ::], w_filled, levels=w_vel_contours, linewidths=2, zorder=2, extend="both", ) cs.set_clim([np.min(w_vel_contours), np.max(w_vel_contours)]) cs.cmap.set_under(color="white", alpha=0) cs.cmap.set_over(color="white", alpha=0) cs.cmap.set_bad(color="white", alpha=0) ax.clabel(cs) if colorbar_contour_flag is True: plt.colorbar( cs, ax=ax, label="W [m/s]", extend="both", spacing="proportional", ticks=w_vel_contours, ) except ValueError: warnings.warn( ( "Cartopy does not support color maps on blank " + "contour plots, contour color map not drawn!" ), RuntimeWarning, ) if wind_vel_contours is not None: vel =[level, :, :] ** 2 + v[level, :, :] ** 2) vel = vel.filled(fill_value=np.nan) try: cs = ax.contour( grid_x[level, :, :], grid_y[level, :, :], vel, levels=wind_vel_contours, linewidths=2, ) cs.cmap.set_under(color="white", alpha=0) cs.cmap.set_bad(color="white", alpha=0) ax.clabel(cs) if colorbar_contour_flag is True: plt.colorbar( cs, ax=ax, label="|V\ [m/s]", extend="both", spacing="proportional", ticks=w_vel_contours, ) except ValueError: warnings.warn( ( "Cartopy does not support color maps on blank " + "contour plots, contour color map not drawn!" ), RuntimeWarning, ) if show_lobes is True: for i in range(len(grid_list)): for j in range(len(grid_list)): if i != j: bca = retrieval.get_bca(grid_list[i], grid_list[j]) ax.contour( grid_lon[:, :], grid_lat[:, :], bca, levels=[bca_min, bca_max], color="k", zorder=1, ) if axes_labels_flag is True: ax.set_xlabel(("Latitude [$^{\circ}$]")) ax.set_ylabel(("Longitude [$^{\circ}$]")) if title_flag is True: ax.set_title(("PyDDA retreived winds @" + str(grid_h[level, 0, 0]) + " km")) if coastlines is True: ax.coastlines(resolution="10m") if gridlines is True: ax.gridlines() ax.set_extent([grid_lon.min(), grid_lon.max(), grid_lat.min(), grid_lat.max()]) num_tenths = int(round((grid_lon.max() - grid_lon.min()) * 10) + 1) the_ticks_x = np.round(np.linspace(grid_lon.min(), grid_lon.max(), num_tenths), 1) num_tenths = int(round((grid_lat.max() - grid_lat.min()) * 10) + 1) the_ticks_y = np.round(np.linspace(grid_lat.min(), grid_lat.max(), num_tenths), 1) ax.set_xticks(the_ticks_x) ax.set_yticks(the_ticks_y) return ax
[docs] def plot_xz_xsection_quiver( Grids, ax=None, background_field="reflectivity", level=1, cmap="ChaseSpectral", vmin=0, vmax=70, u_vel_contours=None, v_vel_contours=None, w_vel_contours=None, wind_vel_contours=None, u_field="u", v_field="v", w_field="w", title_flag=True, axes_labels_flag=True, colorbar_flag=True, colorbar_contour_flag=False, bg_grid_no=0, quiver_spacing_x_km=10.0, quiver_spacing_z_km=1.0, contour_alpha=0.7, quiverkey_len=5.0, quiverkey_loc="best", quiver_width=0.01, ): """ This procedure plots a cross section of winds from wind fields generated by PyDDA in the X-Z plane using quivers. The length of the quivers varies with wind speed. Parameters ---------- Grids: list or DataTree List of Py-DDA Grids to visualize ax: matplotlib axis handle The axis handle to place the plot on. Set to None to plot on the current axis. background_field: str The name of the background field to plot the quivers on. level: int The number of the Y level to plot the cross section through. cmap: str or matplotlib colormap The name of the matplotlib colormap to use for the background field. vmin: float The minimum bound to use for plotting the background field. None will automatically detect the background field minimum. vmax: float The maximum bound to use for plotting the background field. None will automatically detect the background field maximum. u_vel_contours: 1-D array The contours to use for plotting contours of u. Set to None to not display such contours. v_vel_contours: 1-D array The contours to use for plotting contours of v. Set to None to not display such contours. w_vel_contours: 1-D array The contours to use for plotting contours of w. Set to None to not display such contours. u_field: str Name of zonal wind (u) field in Grids. v_field: str Name of meridional wind (v) field in Grids. w_field: str Name of vertical wind (w) field in Grids. show_lobes: bool If True, the dual doppler lobes from each pair of radars will be shown. title_flag: bool If True, PyDDA will generate a title for the plot. axes_labels_flag: bool If True, PyDDA will generate axes labels for the plot colorbar_flag: bool If True, PyDDA will generate a colorbar for the plot background field. colorbar_contour_flag: bool If True, PyDDA will generate a colorbar for the contours. bg_grid_no: int Number of grid in Grids to take background field from. Set to -1 to use maximum value from all grids. quiver_spacing_x_km: float Spacing in km between quivers in x axis. quiver_spacing_z_km: float Spacing in km between quivers in z axis. contour_alpha: float Alpha (transparency) of velocity contours. 0 = transparent, 1 = opaque quiverkey_len: float Length to use for the quiver key in m/s. quiverkey_loc: str Location of quiverkey. One of: 'best' 'top_left' 'top' 'top_right' 'bottom_left' 'bottom' 'bottom_right' 'left' 'right' 'top_left_outside' 'top_right_outside' 'bottom_left_outside' 'bottom_right_outside' 'best' will put the quiver key in the corner with the fewest amount of valid data points while keeping the quiver key inside the plot. The rest of the options will put the quiver key in that particular part of the plot. quiver_width: float The width of the lines for the quiver. Use this to specify the thickness of the quiver lines. Units are fraction of the plot width. Returns ------- ax: matplotlib axis Axis handle to output axis """ if isinstance(Grids, DataTree): child_list = list(Grids.children.keys()) grid_list = [] rad_names = [] for child in child_list: if "radar" in child: grid_list.append(Grids[child].to_dataset()) rad_names.append(child) else: grid_list = Grids grid_bg = grid_list[bg_grid_no][background_field].values.squeeze() grid_bg = if vmin is None: vmin = grid_bg.min() if vmax is None: vmax = grid_bg.max() grid_h = grid_list[0]["point_altitude"].values / 1e3 grid_x = grid_list[0]["point_x"].values / 1e3 grid_y = grid_list[0]["point_y"].values / 1e3 dx = np.diff(grid_x, axis=2)[0, 0, 0] dz = np.diff(grid_y, axis=1)[0, 0, 0] if isinstance(Grids, DataTree): u = Grids[u_field].values.squeeze() v = Grids[v_field].values.squeeze() w = Grids[w_field].values.squeeze() else: u = grid_list[0][u_field].values.squeeze() v = grid_list[0][v_field].values.squeeze() w = grid_list[0][w_field].values.squeeze() qloc_x, qloc_y = _parse_quiverkey_string( quiverkey_loc, grid_h[:, level, :], grid_x[:, level, :], grid_y[:, level, :], grid_bg[:, level, :], xsection="xz", ) if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() the_mesh = ax.pcolormesh( grid_x[:, level, :], grid_h[:, level, :], grid_bg[:, level, :], cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, )**2 + w**2) quiver_density_x = int((1 / dx) * quiver_spacing_x_km) quiver_density_z = int((1 / dz) * quiver_spacing_z_km) q = ax.quiver( grid_x[::quiver_density_z, level, ::quiver_density_x], grid_h[::quiver_density_z, level, ::quiver_density_x], u[::quiver_density_z, level, ::quiver_density_x], w[::quiver_density_z, level, ::quiver_density_x], color="k", scale=25.0 * quiverkey_len, scale_units="width", width=quiver_width, ) quiver_font = { "family": "sans-serif", "style": "normal", "variant": "normal", "weight": "bold", "size": "medium", } ax.quiverkey( q, qloc_x, qloc_y, quiverkey_len, label=(str(quiverkey_len) + " m/s"), fontproperties=quiver_font, ) if colorbar_flag is True: cp = grid_list[bg_grid_no][background_field].attrs["long_name"] cp.replace(" ", "_") cp = cp + " [" + grid_list[bg_grid_no][background_field].attrs["units"] cp = cp + "]" plt.colorbar(the_mesh, ax=ax, label=(cp)) if u_vel_contours is not None: u_filled =[:, level, :], fill_value=np.nan) cs = ax.contour( grid_x[:, level, :], grid_h[:, level, :], u_filled, levels=u_vel_contours, linewidths=2, ) ax.clabel(cs) if colorbar_contour_flag is True: plt.colorbar(cs, ax=ax, label="U [m/s]") if v_vel_contours is not None: v_filled =[:, level, :], fill_value=np.nan) cs = ax.contour( grid_x[:, level, :], grid_h[:, level, :], v_filled, levels=v_vel_contours, linewidths=2, ) ax.clabel(cs) if colorbar_contour_flag is True: plt.colorbar(cs, ax=ax, label="V [m/s]") if w_vel_contours is not None: w_filled =[:, level, :], fill_value=np.nan) cs = ax.contour( grid_x[:, level, :], grid_h[:, level, :], w_filled, levels=w_vel_contours, linewidths=2, ) ax.clabel(cs) if colorbar_contour_flag is True: plt.colorbar(cs, ax=ax, label="W [m/s]") if wind_vel_contours is not None: vel =[:, level, :] ** 2 + v[:, level, :] ** 2) vel = vel.filled(fill_value=np.nan) cs = ax.contour( grid_x[:, level, :], grid_h[:, level, :], vel, levels=wind_vel_contours, linewidths=2, ) cs.set_clim([np.min(wind_vel_contours), np.max(wind_vel_contours)]) cs.cmap.set_under(color="white", alpha=0) cs.cmap.set_bad(color="white", alpha=0) ax.clabel(cs) if colorbar_contour_flag is True: plt.colorbar(cs, ax=ax, label="|V| [m/s]") if axes_labels_flag is True: ax.set_xlabel(("X [km]")) ax.set_ylabel(("Z [km]")) if title_flag is True: if grid_y[0, level, 0] > 0: ax.set_title( ( "PyDDA retreived winds @" + str(grid_y[0, level, 0]) + " km north of origin." ) ) else: ax.set_title( ( "PyDDA retreived winds @" + str(-grid_y[0, level, 0]) + " km south of origin." ) ) ax.set_xlim([grid_x.min(), grid_x.max()]) ax.set_ylim([grid_h.min(), grid_h.max()]) return ax
[docs] def plot_yz_xsection_quiver( Grids, ax=None, background_field="reflectivity", level=1, cmap="ChaseSpectral", vmin=0, vmax=70, u_vel_contours=None, v_vel_contours=None, w_vel_contours=None, wind_vel_contours=None, u_field="u", v_field="v", w_field="w", title_flag=True, axes_labels_flag=True, colorbar_flag=True, colorbar_contour_flag=False, bg_grid_no=0, quiver_spacing_y_km=10.0, quiver_spacing_z_km=1.0, contour_alpha=0.7, quiverkey_len=5.0, quiverkey_loc="best", quiver_width=0.01, ): """ This procedure plots a cross section of winds from wind fields generated by PyDDA in the Y-Z plane using quivers. The length of the quivers varies with wind speed. Parameters ---------- Grids: list or DataTree List of Py-DDA Grids to visualize ax: matplotlib axis handle The axis handle to place the plot on. Set to None to plot on the current axis. background_field: str The name of the background field to plot the quivers on. level: int The number of the X level to plot the cross section through. cmap: str or matplotlib colormap The name of the matplotlib colormap to use for the background field. vmin: float The minimum bound to use for plotting the background field. None will automatically detect the background field minimum. vmax: float The maximum bound to use for plotting the background field. None will automatically detect the background field maximum. u_vel_contours: 1-D array The contours to use for plotting contours of u. Set to None to not display such contours. v_vel_contours: 1-D array The contours to use for plotting contours of v. Set to None to not display such contours. w_vel_contours: 1-D array The contours to use for plotting contours of w. Set to None to not display such contours. u_field: str Name of zonal wind (u) field in Grids. v_field: str Name of meridional wind (v) field in Grids. w_field: str Name of vertical wind (w) field in Grids. show_lobes: bool If True, the dual doppler lobes from each pair of radars will be shown. title_flag: bool If True, PyDDA will generate a title for the plot. axes_labels_flag: bool If True, PyDDA will generate axes labels for the plot. colorbar_flag: bool If True, PyDDA will generate a colorbar for the plot background field. colorbar_contour_flag: bool If True, PyDDA will generate a colorbar for the contours. bg_grid_no: int Number of grid in Grids to take background field from. Set to -1 to use maximum value from all grids. quiver_spacing_y_km: float Spacing in km between quivers in y axis. quiver_spacing_z_km: float Spacing in km between quivers in z axis. contour_alpha: float Alpha (transparency) of velocity contours. 0 = transparent, 1 = opaque quiverkey_loc: str Location of quiverkey. One of: 'best' 'top_left' 'top' 'top_right' 'bottom_left' 'bottom' 'bottom_right' 'left' 'right' 'top_left_outside' 'top_right_outside' 'bottom_left_outside' 'bottom_right_outside' 'best' will put the quiver key in the corner with the fewest amount of valid data points while keeping the quiver key inside the plot. The rest of the options will put the quiver key in that particular part of the plot. quiver_width: float The width of each quiver for the plot, given as a fraction relative to the plot width. Returns ------- ax: matplotlib axis Axis handle to output axis """ if isinstance(Grids, DataTree): child_list = list(Grids.children.keys()) grid_list = [] rad_names = [] for child in child_list: if "radar" in child: grid_list.append(Grids[child].to_dataset()) rad_names.append(child) else: grid_list = Grids grid_bg = grid_list[bg_grid_no][background_field].values.squeeze() grid_bg = if vmin is None: vmin = grid_bg.min() if vmax is None: vmax = grid_bg.max() grid_h = grid_list[0]["point_altitude"].values / 1e3 grid_x = grid_list[0]["point_x"].values / 1e3 grid_y = grid_list[0]["point_y"].values / 1e3 dx = np.diff(grid_x, axis=2)[0, 0, 0] dz = np.diff(grid_y, axis=1)[0, 0, 0] u = grid_list[0][u_field].values.squeeze() v = grid_list[0][v_field].values.squeeze() w = grid_list[0][w_field].values.squeeze() qloc_x, qloc_y = _parse_quiverkey_string( quiverkey_loc, grid_h[:, :, level], grid_x[:, :, level], grid_y[:, :, level], grid_bg[:, :, level], xsection="yz", ) if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() the_mesh = ax.pcolormesh( grid_y[:, :, level], grid_h[:, :, level], grid_bg[:, :, level], cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, )**2 + w**2) quiver_density_y = int((1 / dx) * quiver_spacing_y_km) quiver_density_z = int((1 / dz) * quiver_spacing_z_km) q = ax.quiver( grid_y[::quiver_density_z, ::quiver_density_y, level], grid_h[::quiver_density_z, ::quiver_density_y, level], v[::quiver_density_z, ::quiver_density_y, level], w[::quiver_density_z, ::quiver_density_y, level], color="k", cmap="coolwarm", scale=25.0 * quiverkey_len, scale_units="width", width=quiver_width, ) quiver_font = { "family": "sans-serif", "style": "normal", "variant": "normal", "weight": "bold", "size": "medium", } ax.quiverkey( q, qloc_x, qloc_y, quiverkey_len, label=(str(quiverkey_len) + " m/s"), fontproperties=quiver_font, ) if colorbar_flag is True: cp = grid_list[bg_grid_no][background_field].attrs["long_name"] cp.replace(" ", "_") cp = cp + " [" + grid_list[bg_grid_no][background_field].attrs["units"] cp = cp + "]" plt.colorbar(the_mesh, ax=ax, label=(cp)) if u_vel_contours is not None: u_filled =[:, :, level], fill_value=np.nan) cs = ax.contour( grid_y[:, :, level], grid_h[:, :, level], u_filled, levels=u_vel_contours, linewidths=2, ) plt.clabel(cs) if colorbar_contour_flag is True: plt.colorbar(cs, ax=ax, label="U [m/s]") if v_vel_contours is not None: v_filled =[:, :, level], fill_value=np.nan) cs = ax.contour( grid_y[:, :, level], grid_h[:, :, level], v_filled, levels=w_vel_contours, linewidths=2, ) plt.clabel(cs) if colorbar_contour_flag is True: plt.colorbar(cs, ax=ax, label="V [m/s]") if w_vel_contours is not None: w_filled =[:, :, level], fill_value=np.nan) cs = ax.contour( grid_y[:, :, level], grid_h[:, :, level], w_filled, levels=w_vel_contours, linewidths=2, ) plt.clabel(cs) if colorbar_contour_flag is True: plt.colorbar(cs, ax=ax, label="W [m/s]") if wind_vel_contours is not None: vel =[:, :, level] ** 2 + v[:, :, level] ** 2) vel = vel.filled(fill_value=np.nan) cs = ax.contourf( grid_y[:, :, level], grid_h[:, :, level], vel, levels=wind_vel_contours, linewidths=2, ) cs.set_clim([np.min(wind_vel_contours), np.max(wind_vel_contours)]) cs.cmap.set_under(color="white", alpha=0) cs.cmap.set_bad(color="white", alpha=0) ax.clabel(cs) if colorbar_contour_flag is True: plt.colorbar(cs, ax=ax, label="|V| [m/s]") if axes_labels_flag is True: ax.set_xlabel(("Y [km]")) ax.set_ylabel(("Z [km]")) if title_flag is True: if grid_x[0, 0, level] > 0: ax.set_title( ( "PyDDA retreived winds @" + str(grid_x[0, level, 0]) + " km east of origin." ) ) else: ax.set_title( ( "PyDDA retreived winds @" + str(-grid_x[0, level, 0]) + " km west of origin." ) ) ax.set_xlim([grid_y.min(), grid_y.max()]) ax.set_ylim([grid_h.min(), grid_h.max()]) return ax
def _parse_quiverkey_string(qloc, grid_z, grid_y, grid_x, grid_bg, xsection="xy"): """ This is a private method for parsing the quiverkey location string. This is only used internally by PyDDA. """ if qloc == "best": # Get top left corner of grid if xsection == "xy": top_y = grid_y.max() - (grid_y.max() - grid_y.min()) / 10 right_x = grid_x.max() - (grid_x.max() - grid_x.min()) / 10 bottom_y = grid_y.min() + (grid_y.max() - grid_y.min()) / 10 left_x = grid_x.min() + (grid_x.max() - grid_x.min()) / 10 mid_y1 = grid_y.max() - 4 * (grid_y.max() - grid_y.min()) / 10 mid_x1 = grid_x.max() - 4 * (grid_x.max() - grid_x.min()) / 10 mid_y2 = grid_y.max() - 6 * (grid_y.max() - grid_y.min()) / 10 mid_x2 = grid_x.max() - 6 * (grid_x.max() - grid_x.min()) / 10 top_right = np.sum( grid_bg[ np.atleast_1d(np.logical_and(grid_y > top_y, grid_x > right_x)) ].mask ) top_left = np.sum( grid_bg[ np.atleast_1d(np.logical_and(grid_y > top_y, grid_x < left_x)) ].mask ) bot_left = np.sum( grid_bg[ np.atleast_1d(np.logical_and(grid_y < bottom_y, grid_x < left_x)) ].mask ) bot_right = np.sum( grid_bg[ np.atleast_1d(np.logical_and(grid_y > bottom_y, grid_x > right_x)) ].mask ) top_inds = np.logical_and.reduce( (grid_y > top_y, grid_x > mid_x2, grid_x < mid_x1) ) bottom_inds = np.logical_and.reduce( (grid_y < bottom_y, grid_x > mid_x2, grid_x < mid_x1) ) top = len(np.where(np.atleast_1d(grid_bg[top_inds].mask is True))[0]) bottom = len(np.where(np.atleast_1d(grid_bg[bottom_inds].mask is True))[0]) left_inds = np.logical_and.reduce( (grid_x < left_x, grid_y > mid_y2, grid_y < mid_y1) ) left = len(np.where(np.atleast_1d(grid_bg[left_inds].mask is True))[0]) right_inds = np.logical_and.reduce( (grid_x > right_x, grid_y > mid_y2, grid_y < mid_y1) ) right = len(np.where(np.atleast_1d(grid_bg[right_inds].mask is True))[0]) elif xsection == "xz": top_z = grid_z.max() - (grid_z.max() - grid_y.min()) / 10 right_x = grid_x.max() - (grid_x.max() - grid_x.min()) / 10 bottom_z = grid_z.min() + (grid_z.max() - grid_z.min()) / 10 left_x = grid_x.min() + (grid_x.max() - grid_x.min()) / 10 mid_z1 = grid_z.max() - 4 * (grid_z.max() - grid_z.min()) / 10 mid_x1 = grid_x.max() - 4 * (grid_x.max() - grid_x.min()) / 10 mid_z2 = grid_z.max() - 6 * (grid_z.max() - grid_z.min()) / 10 mid_x2 = grid_x.max() - 6 * (grid_x.max() - grid_x.min()) / 10 top_right = np.sum( grid_bg[ np.atleast_1d(np.logical_and(grid_z > top_z, grid_x > right_x)) ].mask ) top_left = np.sum( grid_bg[ np.atleast_1d(np.logical_and(grid_z > top_z, grid_x < left_x)) ].mask ) bot_left = np.sum( grid_bg[ np.atleast_1d(np.logical_and(grid_z < bottom_z, grid_x < left_x)) ].mask ) bot_right = np.sum( grid_bg[ np.atleast_1d(np.logical_and(grid_z > bottom_z, grid_x > right_x)) ].mask ) top_inds = np.logical_and.reduce( (grid_z > top_z, grid_x > mid_x2, grid_x < mid_x1) ) bottom_inds = np.logical_and.reduce( (grid_z < bottom_z, grid_x > mid_x2, grid_x < mid_x1) ) top = len(np.where(np.atleast_1d(grid_bg[top_inds].mask is True))[0]) bottom = len(np.where(np.atleast_1d(grid_bg[bottom_inds].mask is True))[0]) left_inds = np.logical_and.reduce( (grid_x < left_x, grid_z > mid_z2, grid_z < mid_z1) ) left = len(np.where(np.atleast_1d(grid_bg[left_inds].mask is True))[0]) right_inds = np.logical_and.reduce( (grid_x > right_x, grid_z > mid_z2, grid_z < mid_z1) ) right = len(np.where(np.atleast_1d(grid_bg[right_inds].mask is True))[0]) elif xsection == "yz": top_z = grid_z.max() - (grid_z.max() - grid_y.min()) / 10 right_y = grid_y.max() - (grid_y.max() - grid_y.min()) / 10 bottom_z = grid_z.min() + (grid_z.max() - grid_z.min()) / 10 left_y = grid_y.min() + (grid_y.max() - grid_y.min()) / 10 mid_z1 = grid_z.max() - 4 * (grid_z.max() - grid_z.min()) / 10 mid_y1 = grid_y.max() - 4 * (grid_y.max() - grid_y.min()) / 10 mid_z2 = grid_z.max() - 6 * (grid_z.max() - grid_z.min()) / 10 mid_y2 = grid_y.max() - 6 * (grid_y.max() - grid_y.min()) / 10 top_right = np.sum( grid_bg[ np.atleast_1d(np.logical_and(grid_z > top_z, grid_y > right_y)) ].mask ) top_left = np.sum( grid_bg[ np.atleast_1d(np.logical_and(grid_z > top_z, grid_y < left_y)) ].mask ) bot_left = np.sum( grid_bg[ np.atleast_1d(np.logical_and(grid_z < bottom_z, grid_y < left_y)) ].mask ) bot_right = np.sum( grid_bg[ np.atleast_1d(np.logical_and(grid_z > bottom_z, grid_y > right_y)) ].mask ) top_inds = np.logical_and.reduce( (grid_z > top_z, grid_y > mid_y2, grid_x < mid_y1) ) bottom_inds = np.logical_and.reduce( (grid_z < bottom_z, grid_y > mid_y2, grid_y < mid_y1) ) top = len(np.where(np.atleast_1d(grid_bg[top_inds].mask is True))[0]) bottom = len(np.where(np.atleast_1d(grid_bg[bottom_inds].mask is True))[0]) left_inds = np.logical_and.reduce( (grid_y < left_y, grid_z > mid_z2, grid_z < mid_z1) ) left = len(np.where(np.atleast_1d(grid_bg[left_inds].mask is True))[0]) right_inds = np.logical_and.reduce( (grid_y > right_y, grid_z > mid_z2, grid_z < mid_z1) ) right = len(np.where(np.atleast_1d(grid_bg[right_inds].mask is True))[0]) loc_array = np.array( [top_right, top_left, bot_left, bot_right, top, bottom, left, right] ) if loc_array.max() == top_right: qloc_x = 0.9 qloc_y = 0.93 elif loc_array.max() == top_left: qloc_x = 0.07 qloc_y = 0.9 elif loc_array.max() == bot_left: qloc_x = 0.07 qloc_y = 0.05 elif loc_array.max() == bot_right: qloc_x = 0.9 qloc_y = 0.05 elif loc_array.max() == top: qloc_x = 0.45 qloc_y = 0.93 elif loc_array.max() == bottom: qloc_x = 0.45 qloc_y = 0.05 elif loc_array.max() == left: qloc_x = 0.07 qloc_y = 0.45 elif loc_array.max() == right: qloc_x = 0.9 qloc_y = 0.45 elif qloc == "top_left": qloc_x = 0.07 qloc_y = 0.93 elif qloc == "top_right": qloc_x = 0.9 qloc_y = 0.93 elif qloc == "bottom_left": qloc_x = 0.07 qloc_y = 0.05 elif qloc == "bottom_right": qloc_x = 0.9 qloc_y = 0.05 elif qloc == "top": qloc_x = 0.45 qloc_y = 0.93 elif qloc == "bottom": qloc_x = 0.45 qloc_y = 0.05 elif qloc == "left": qloc_x = 0.07 qloc_y = 0.45 elif qloc == "right": qloc_x = 0.9 qloc_y = 0.45 elif qloc == "top_left_outside": qloc_x = 0.07 qloc_y = 1.01 elif qloc == "top_right_outside": qloc_x = 0.9 qloc_y = 1.01 elif qloc == "bottom_left_outside": qloc_x = 0.07 qloc_y = -0.09 elif qloc == "bottom_right_outside": qloc_x = 0.9 qloc_y = -0.09 else: raise ValueError("Invalid quiver key location!") return qloc_x, qloc_y