--- title: pyhail date: 2022-11-15 category: Projects authors: bom tags: project, devel language: Python --- # Python Hail Retrievals Package (pyhail) ## Quick description This software provides Python functions for retrieving hail properties from weather radar data ingested via Py-ART. This includes the Maximum Estimated Size of Hail (MESH), Hail Accumulation (hAcc), Hail Differential Reflectivity (HDR) and the Hail Size Discrimination Algorithm (HSDA). MESH is implemented for both the Py-ART radar (ppi) and grid objects, and options are available for different fits of the SHI hail-size relationship. A notebook is provided to demonstrate how to call each retrieval. ![pyhail sample image](../images/pyhail_sample.png) ## Homepage ## Code Repository ## Software Documentation ## User group or forum page N/A ## License model MIT License ## Year of first release 2022 ## Main programming laguage(s) Python ## Supported platforms Linux ## Type of software API/Library ## Further details For help see README.md file. For license see the LICENSE file Installation Make sure this directory is in your PYTHONPATH Install Py-ART () Install pyhail using pip To use pyhail: from pyhail import hdr, mesh_grid, mesh_ppi, hsda, hacc Then you have access to the main() functions for each retreival Obtaining the turbulence field for a volume can be as simple as: import pyart from pyhail import mesh_ppi radar = pyart.io.read('YOUR_FILE_HERE') meshppi_fields = mesh_ppi.main(radar, 'REFLECTIVITY_FIELD_NAME', levels=['0C_LEVEL', '-20C_LEVEL]) radar.add_field('mesh', meshppi_fields['mesh_mh2019_95'], replace_existing=True) You will then have a field called 'mh2019_95' that can be plotted, analyzed, or saved to file like any other Py-ART radar field. The mesh field will use the default MESH formulation, mesh_mh2019_95, unless specified - see documentation for more details. ## References - Hail Size Discrimination Algorithm - HSDA ([Ortega et al. 2016](https://journals.ametsoc.org/doi/10.1175/JAMC-D-15-0203.1)) - Hail Differential Reflectivity - HDR ([Depue et al. 2007](https://doi.org/10.1175/JAM2529.1)) - Maximum Expected Size of Hail - MESH witt1998 ([Witt et al. 1998](https://journals.ametsoc.org/doi/10.1175/1520-0434%281998%29013%3C0286%3AAEHDAF%3E2.0.CO%3B2)) - Maximum Expected Size of Hail - MESH mh2019_75/mh2019_95 ([Murillo and Homeyer 2019](https://journals.ametsoc.org/view/journals/apme/58/5/jamc-d-18-0247.1.xml)) - Accumulated Hail - hAcc ([Wallace et al. 2019](https://journals.ametsoc.org/view/journals/wefo/34/1/waf-d-18-0053_1.xml))