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Quality Control using DR

  • In this notebook, we will use the depolarization ratio to quality control a volume of data from the new radar at Radisson, Saskatchewan
  • We will also visualize the data using some openly-available colour tables.
  • This notebook was originally prepared using material subsequently published in Michelson et al. (2020)

retrieve data from s3 bucket

import os
import urllib.request
from pathlib import Path

# Set the URL for the cloud
URL = ""
path = "pythia/radar/erad2024/baltrad/baltrad_short_course/"
!mkdir -p data
files = [
for file in files:
    file0 = os.path.join(path, file)
    name = os.path.join("data", Path(file).name)
    if not os.path.exists(name):
        print(f"downloading, {name}")
        urllib.request.urlretrieve(f"{URL}{file0}", name)
downloading, data/2019051509_00_ODIMH5_PVOL6S_VOL_casra.16.h5
downloading, data/hawaii.txt
downloading, data/moleron.txt
downloading, data/oleron.txt
downloading, data/mroma.txt
downloading, data/vik.txt
import _raveio
import ropo_realtime, ec_drqc
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import GmapColorMap

Block of look-ups for display

PALETTE = {}  # To be populated

    "TH": GmapColorMap.PUREWHITE,
    "DBZH": GmapColorMap.PUREWHITE,
    "DR": GmapColorMap.PUREWHITE,
    "VRADH": GmapColorMap.GREY5,
    "RHOHV": GmapColorMap.PUREWHITE,
    "ZDR": GmapColorMap.PUREWHITE,

    "TH": GmapColorMap.WEBSAFEGREY,
    "DBZH": GmapColorMap.WEBSAFEGREY,
    "DR": GmapColorMap.WEBSAFEGREY,
    "VRADH": GmapColorMap.GREY8,
    "RHOHV": GmapColorMap.WEBSAFEGREY,
    "ZDR": GmapColorMap.WEBSAFEGREY,

    "TH": "Radar reflectivity factor (dBZ)",
    "DBZH": "Radar reflectivity factor (dBZ)",
    "DR": "Depolarization ratio (dB)",
    "VRADH": "Radial wind velocity away from radar (m/s)",
    "RHOHV": "Cross-polar correlation coefficient",
    "ZDR": "Differential reflectivity (dB)",

    "TH": range(-30, 80, 10),
    "DBZH": range(-30, 80, 10),
    "ZDR": range(-8, 9, 2),
    "RHOHV": np.arange(0, 11, 1) / 10.0,
    "VRADH": range(-48, 56, 8),
    "DR": range(-36, 3, 3),

Colormap loader and loads

def loadPal(fstr, reverse=True):
    fd = open(fstr)
    LINES = fd.readlines()
    pal = []
    for line in LINES:
        s = line.split()
        if reverse:
        for val in s:
            pal.append(int(float(val) * 255))
    if reverse:
    return pal

# Colour maps by Fabio Crameri,, a couple of them modified
# Todo: maybe use new cmweather colormaps
PALETTE["DBZH"] = loadPal("data/hawaii.txt")
PALETTE["DR"] = loadPal("data/moleron.txt", False)  # Modified oleron
PALETTE["ZDR"] = loadPal("data/oleron.txt", False)
PALETTE["RHOHV"] = loadPal("data/mroma.txt")  # Modified roma
PALETTE["VRADH"] = loadPal("data/vik.txt", False)

Set up the display

def plot(obj):
    fig = plt.figure()
    default_size = fig.get_size_inches()
    fig.set_size_inches((default_size[0] * 2, default_size[1] * 2))

    paramname = obj.getParameterNames()[0]
    pal = PALETTE[paramname]
    pal[0], pal[1], pal[2] = UNDETECT[
    ]  # Special value - areas radiated but void of echo
    pal[767], pal[766], pal[765] = NODATA[paramname]  # Special value - areas unradiated
    if paramname == "VRADH":
        pal[379], pal[380], pal[381] = GmapColorMap.PUREWHITE  # VRADH isodop
        pal[382], pal[383], pal[384] = GmapColorMap.PUREWHITE  # VRADH isodop
        pal[385], pal[386], pal[387] = GmapColorMap.PUREWHITE  # VRADH isodop
    colorlist = []
    for i in range(0, len(pal), 3):
        colorlist.append([pal[i] / 255.0, pal[i + 1] / 255.0, pal[i + 2] / 255.0])

    param = obj.getParameter(paramname)
    data = param.getData()
    data = data * param.gain + param.offset

    im = plt.imshow(data, cmap=matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap(colorlist))
    cax = plt.gca()

    cb = plt.colorbar(ticks=TICKS[paramname])

Do the science

Read the polar volume, QC the reflectivity using legacy ROPO, and then save the QC:ed result

rio ="data/2019051509_00_ODIMH5_PVOL6S_VOL_casra.16.h5")
rio.object = ropo_realtime.generate(rio.object)"data/2019051509_00_ODIMH5_PVOL6S_VOL_casra.ropo.h5")

Re-read the polar volume, QC it using depolarization ratio, and then save the QC:ed result

rio ="data/2019051509_00_ODIMH5_PVOL6S_VOL_casra.16.h5")
pvol = rio.object
rio.object = pvol"data/2019051509_00_ODIMH5_PVOL6S_VOL_casra.drqc.h5")

Create, read and display CAPPIs, starting with Doppler-corrected reflectivity

!radarcomp -i "data/2019051509_00_ODIMH5_PVOL6S_VOL_casra.16.h5" -o data/cappi_DBZH.h5 -s 1000 -T -M
cappi ="data/cappi_DBZH.h5").object
<Figure size 1280x960 with 2 Axes>

Differential reflectivity

!radarcomp -i "data/2019051509_00_ODIMH5_PVOL6S_VOL_casra.16.h5" -o data/cappi_ZDR.h5 -s 1000.0 -T -M -q ZDR -g 0.0629921 -O -8.0
cappi ="data/cappi_ZDR.h5").object
<Figure size 1280x960 with 2 Axes>

Cross-polar correlation coefficient

!radarcomp -i "data/2019051509_00_ODIMH5_PVOL6S_VOL_casra.16.h5" -o data/cappi_RHOHV.h5 -s 1000.0 -T -M -q RHOHV -g 0.00393701 -O 0.0
cappi ="data/cappi_RHOHV.h5").object
<Figure size 1280x960 with 2 Axes>

Radial wind velocity, lowest PPI

!radarcomp -i "data/2019051509_00_ODIMH5_PVOL6S_VOL_casra.16.h5" -o data/ppi_VRADH.h5 -s 1000.0 -T -M -q VRADH -g 0.37716537714004517 -O -48. -p PPI -P 0.4
ppi ="data/ppi_VRADH.h5").object
<Figure size 1280x960 with 2 Axes>

Depolarization ratio

!radarcomp -i "data/2019051509_00_ODIMH5_PVOL6S_VOL_casra.drqc.h5" -o data/cappi_DR.h5 -s 1000 -T -M -q DR -g 0.129951 -O -33.1376
cappi ="data/cappi_DR.h5").object
<Figure size 1280x960 with 2 Axes>

ROPO:ed reflectivity

!radarcomp -i "data/2019051509_00_ODIMH5_PVOL6S_VOL_casra.ropo.h5" -o data/cappi_DBZH_ropo.h5 -s 1000 -T -M
cappi ="data/cappi_DBZH_ropo.h5").object
<Figure size 1280x960 with 2 Axes>

DRQC:ed reflectivity

!radarcomp -i "data/2019051509_00_ODIMH5_PVOL6S_VOL_casra.drqc.h5" -o data/cappi_DBZH_drqc.h5 -s 1000 -T -M
cappi ="data/cappi_DBZH_drqc.h5").object
<Figure size 1280x960 with 2 Axes>
  1. Michelson, D., Hansen, B., Jacques, D., Lemay, F., & Rodriguez, P. (2020). Monitoring the impacts of weather radar data quality control for quantitative application at the continental scale. Meteorological Applications, 27(4). 10.1002/met.1929