# Name of this configuration: # Will be used in product generation save path name STRING DDA_MeteoSwiss_ARPA # call example: # main_process_data.py dda.txt --starttime 20240522151500 --endtime 20240522151500 --cfgpath ./ # --------------------------------------------------------- # Raw data pathes # --------------------------------------------------------- # Base path of the raw data. # Note: Must have a trailing '/' # ('///.') datapath STRARR 2 ../data/Cband/ ../data/Xband/ # -------------------------------------------- # Output data # -------------------------------------------- saveimgbasepath STRING ../pyrad_outputs/ imgformat STRING png # -------------------------------------------------------- # configuration files pathes # -------------------------------------------------------- # Base path of configuration files configpath STRING ./ # Configuration of the radar location and approach direction locationConfigFile STRING ./dda_loc.txt # Configuration of the product generation productConfigFile STRING ./dda_prod.txt