Source code for pydda.initialization.wind_fields

import numpy as np
import pyart
import gc
import os
import tempfile
import xarray as xr

# We want cfgrib to be an optional dependency to ensure Windows compatibility
    import cfgrib

except ImportError:

from netCDF4 import Dataset
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d, griddata
from scipy.interpolate import NearestNDInterpolator, LinearNDInterpolator
from copy import deepcopy

    import cdsapi

except ImportError:
    ERA5_AVAILABLE = False

[docs] def make_initialization_from_era5( Grid, file_name=None, vel_field=None, dest_era_file=None, method="nearest", ): """ Written by: Hamid Ali Syed and Bobby Jackson This function will read ERA 5 in NetCDF format and add it to the Py-ART grid specified by Grid. PyDDA will automatically download the ERA 5 data that you need for the scan. It will chose the domain that is enclosed by the analysis grid and the time period that is closest to the scan. It will then do a Nearest Neighbor interpolation of the ERA-5 u and v winds to the analysis grid. You need to have the ERA5 CDSAPI and an CDS Copernicus account set up in order to use this feature. Go to this website for instructions on installing the API and setting up your account: Parameters ---------- Grid: Py-ART Grid The input Py-ART Grid to modify. file_name: str or None The netCDF file containing the ERA 5 data. If the web API is experiencing delays, it is better to use it to download the file and then refer to it here. If this file does not exist PyDDA will use the API to create the file. vel_field: str or None The name of the velocity field in the Py-ART grid. Set to None to have Py-DDA attempt to automatically detect it. dest_era_file: If this is not None, PyDDA will save the interpolated grid into this file. method: str Interpolation method: 'nearest' for nearest neighbor, 'linear' for linear. Returns ------- new_Grid: Py-ART Grid The Py-ART Grid with the ERA5 data added into the "u_era", "v_era", and "w_era" fields. """ if vel_field is None: vel_field = Grid.attrs["first_grid_name"] if ERA5_AVAILABLE is False and file_name is None: raise ( ModuleNotFoundError, ( "The CDSAPI is not installed. Please go to" + "" + "in order to use the auto download feature." ), ) grid_time = datetime.strptime( Grid["time"].attrs["units"], "seconds since %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" ) hour_rounded_to_nearest_1 = int(round(float(grid_time.hour))) if hour_rounded_to_nearest_1 == 24: grid_time = grid_time + timedelta(days=1) grid_time = datetime( grid_time.year, grid_time.month,, 0, grid_time.minute, grid_time.second, ) else: grid_time = datetime( grid_time.year, grid_time.month,, hour_rounded_to_nearest_1, grid_time.minute, grid_time.second, ) if file_name is not None: if not os.path.isfile(file_name): raise FileNotFoundError(file_name + " not found!") if file_name is None: print("Downloading ERA5 data...") # ERA5 data is in pressure coordinates # Retrieve u, v, w, and geopotential # Geopotential is needed to convert into height coordinates N = round(Grid["point_latitude"].values.max(), 2) S = round(Grid["point_latitude"].values.min(), 2) E = round(Grid["point_longitude"].values.max(), 2) W = round(Grid["point_longitude"].values.min(), 2) retrieve_dict = {} pname = "reanalysis-era5-pressure-levels" retrieve_dict["product_type"] = "reanalysis" retrieve_dict["format"] = "netcdf" retrieve_dict["variable"] = [ "u_component_of_wind", "v_component_of_wind", "vertical_velocity", "geopotential", ] retrieve_dict["pressure_level"] = [ "1", "2", "3", "5", "7", "10", "20", "30", "50", "70", "100", "125", "150", "175", "200", "225", "250", "300", "350", "400", "450", "500", "550", "600", "650", "700", "750", "775", "800", "825", "850", "875", "900", "925", "950", "975", "1000", ] retrieve_dict["year"] = grid_time.strftime("%Y") retrieve_dict["month"] = grid_time.strftime("%m") retrieve_dict["day"] = grid_time.strftime("%d") retrieve_dict["time"] = grid_time.strftime("%H:00") retrieve_dict["area"] = [N, W, S, E] if dest_era_file is not None: retrieve_dict["target"] = dest_era_file file_name = dest_era_file else: tfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() retrieve_dict["target"] = file_name = server = cdsapi.Client() server.retrieve(name=pname, request=retrieve_dict, target=file_name) ERA_grid = Dataset(file_name, mode="r") base_time = datetime.strptime( ERA_grid.variables["time"].units, "hours since %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f" ) time_step = np.argmin(np.abs(base_time - grid_time)) height_ERA = ERA_grid.variables["z"][:] u_ERA = ERA_grid.variables["u"][:] v_ERA = ERA_grid.variables["v"][:] w_ERA = ERA_grid.variables["w"][:] lon_ERA = ERA_grid.variables["longitude"][:] lat_ERA = ERA_grid.variables["latitude"][:] radar_grid_lat = Grid["point_latitude"].values radar_grid_lon = Grid["point_longitude"].values radar_grid_alt = Grid["point_z"].values u_flattened = u_ERA[time_step].flatten() v_flattened = v_ERA[time_step].flatten() w_flattened = w_ERA[time_step].flatten() the_shape = u_ERA.shape lon_mgrid, lat_mgrid = np.meshgrid(lon_ERA, lat_ERA) lon_mgrid = np.tile(lon_mgrid, (the_shape[1], 1, 1)) lat_mgrid = np.tile(lat_mgrid, (the_shape[1], 1, 1)) lon_flattened = lon_mgrid.flatten() lat_flattened = lat_mgrid.flatten() height_flattened = height_ERA[time_step].flatten() height_flattened -= Grid.radar_altitude.values if method == "nearest": u_interp = NearestNDInterpolator( (height_flattened, lat_flattened, lon_flattened), u_flattened, rescale=True ) v_interp = NearestNDInterpolator( (height_flattened, lat_flattened, lon_flattened), v_flattened, rescale=True ) w_interp = NearestNDInterpolator( (height_flattened, lat_flattened, lon_flattened), w_flattened, rescale=True ) elif method == "linear": u_interp = LinearNDInterpolator( (height_flattened, lat_flattened, lon_flattened), u_flattened, rescale=True ) v_interp = LinearNDInterpolator( (height_flattened, lat_flattened, lon_flattened), v_flattened, rescale=True ) w_interp = LinearNDInterpolator( (height_flattened, lat_flattened, lon_flattened), w_flattened, rescale=True ) else: raise NotImplementedError("%s interpolation method not implemented!" % method) u_new = u_interp(radar_grid_alt, radar_grid_lat, radar_grid_lon) v_new = v_interp(radar_grid_alt, radar_grid_lat, radar_grid_lon) w_new = w_interp(radar_grid_alt, radar_grid_lat, radar_grid_lon) # Free up memory ERA_grid.close() if "tfile" in locals(): tfile.close() u_field = {} u_field["standard_name"] = "u_wind" u_field["long_name"] = "meridional component of wind velocity" v_field = {} v_field["standard_name"] = "v_wind" v_field["long_name"] = "zonal component of wind velocity" w_field = {} w_field["standard_name"] = "w_wind" w_field["long_name"] = "vertical component of wind velocity" Grid["u"] = xr.DataArray( np.expand_dims(u_new, 0), dims=("time", "z", "y", "x"), attrs=u_field ) Grid["v"] = xr.DataArray( np.expand_dims(v_new, 0), dims=("time", "z", "y", "x"), attrs=v_field ) Grid["w"] = xr.DataArray( np.expand_dims(w_new, 0), dims=("time", "z", "y", "x"), attrs=w_field ) return Grid
[docs] def make_constant_wind_field(Grid, wind=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), vel_field=None): """ This function makes a constant wind field given a wind vector. This function is useful for specifying the intialization arrays for get_dd_wind_field. Parameters ========== Grid: Py-ART Grid object This is the Py-ART Grid containing the coordinates for the analysis grid. wind: 3-tuple of floats The 3-tuple specifying the (u,v,w) of the wind field. vel_field: String The name of the velocity field. None will automatically try to detect this field. Returns ======= new_Grid: Py-ART Grid The Py-ART Grid with the constant wind field added in the u, v, and w fields. """ # Parse names of velocity field if vel_field is None: vel_field = Grid.attrs["first_grid_name"] analysis_grid_shape = Grid[vel_field].values.shape u = wind[0] * np.ones(analysis_grid_shape) v = wind[1] * np.ones(analysis_grid_shape) w = wind[2] * np.ones(analysis_grid_shape) u =, 0) v =, 0) w =, 0) u_field = {} u_field["standard_name"] = "u_wind" u_field["long_name"] = "meridional component of wind velocity" v_field = {} v_field["standard_name"] = "v_wind" v_field["long_name"] = "zonal component of wind velocity" w_field = {} w_field["standard_name"] = "w_wind" w_field["long_name"] = "vertical component of wind velocity" Grid["u"] = xr.DataArray(u, dims=("time", "z", "y", "x"), attrs=u_field) Grid["v"] = xr.DataArray(v, dims=("time", "z", "y", "x"), attrs=v_field) Grid["w"] = xr.DataArray(w, dims=("time", "z", "y", "x"), attrs=w_field) return Grid
[docs] def make_wind_field_from_profile(Grid, profile, vel_field=None): """ This function makes a 3D wind field from a sounding. This function is useful for using sounding data as an initialization for get_dd_wind_field. Parameters ========== Grid: Py-ART Grid object This is the Py-ART Grid containing the coordinates for the analysis grid. profile: PyART HorizontalWindProfile This is the HorizontalWindProfile of the sounding wind: 3-tuple of floats The 3-tuple specifying the (u,v,w) of the wind field. vel_field: String The name of the velocity field in Grid. None will automatically try to detect this field. Returns ======= new_Grid: Py-ART Grid The Py-ART Grid with the sounding wind field added in the u, v, and w fields. """ # Parse names of velocity field if vel_field is None: vel_field = Grid.attrs["first_grid_name"] analysis_grid_shape = Grid[vel_field].values.shape u = np.ones(analysis_grid_shape) v = np.ones(analysis_grid_shape) w = np.zeros(analysis_grid_shape) u_back = profile.u_wind v_back = profile.v_wind z_back = profile.height u_interp = interp1d(z_back, u_back, bounds_error=False, fill_value="extrapolate") v_interp = interp1d(z_back, v_back, bounds_error=False, fill_value="extrapolate") u_back2 = u_interp(np.asarray(Grid["z"].values)) v_back2 = v_interp(np.asarray(Grid["z"].values)) for i in range(analysis_grid_shape[0]): u[i] = u_back2[i] v[i] = v_back2[i] u =, 0) v =, 0) w =, 0) u_field = {} u_field["standard_name"] = "u_wind" u_field["long_name"] = "meridional component of wind velocity" v_field = {} v_field["standard_name"] = "v_wind" v_field["long_name"] = "zonal component of wind velocity" w_field = {} w_field["standard_name"] = "w_wind" w_field["long_name"] = "vertical component of wind velocity" Grid["u"] = xr.DataArray(u, dims=("time", "z", "y", "x"), attrs=u_field) Grid["v"] = xr.DataArray(v, dims=("time", "z", "y", "x"), attrs=v_field) Grid["w"] = xr.DataArray(w, dims=("time", "z", "y", "x"), attrs=w_field) return Grid
[docs] def make_background_from_wrf(Grid, file_path, wrf_time, radar_loc, vel_field=None): """ This function makes an initalization field based off of the u and w from a WRF run. Only u and v are used from the WRF file. Parameters ---------- Grid: Py-ART Grid object This is the Py-ART Grid containing the coordinates for the analysis grid. file_path: str This is the path to the WRF grid wrf_time: datetime The timestep to derive the intialization field from. radar_loc: tuple The (X, Y) location of the radar in the WRF grid. The output coordinate system will be centered around this location and given the same grid specification that is specified in Grid. vel_field: str, or None This string contains the name of the velocity field in the Grid. None will try to automatically detect this value. Returns ------- new_Grid: Py-ART Grid The Py-ART Grid with the WRF wind field added in the u, v, and w fields. """ # Parse names of velocity field if vel_field is None: vel_field = Grid.attrs["first_grid_name"] analysis_grid_shape = Grid[vel_field].values.shape u = np.ones(analysis_grid_shape) v = np.ones(analysis_grid_shape) w = np.zeros(analysis_grid_shape) # Load WRF grid wrf_cdf = Dataset(file_path, mode="r") W_wrf = wrf_cdf.variables["W"][:] V_wrf = wrf_cdf.variables["V"][:] U_wrf = wrf_cdf.variables["U"][:] PH_wrf = wrf_cdf.variables["PH"][:] PHB_wrf = wrf_cdf.variables["PHB"][:] alt_wrf = (PH_wrf + PHB_wrf) / 9.81 new_grid_x = Grid["point_x"].values new_grid_y = Grid["point_y"].values new_grid_z = Grid["point_z"].values # Find timestep from datetime time_wrf = wrf_cdf.variables["Times"] ntimes = time_wrf.shape[0] dts_wrf = [] for i in range(ntimes): x = "".join([x.decode() for x in time_wrf[i]]) dts_wrf.append(datetime.strptime(x, "%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S")) dts_wrf = np.array(dts_wrf) timestep = np.where(dts_wrf == wrf_time) if len(timestep[0]) == 0: raise ValueError(("Time " + str(wrf_time) + " not found in WRF file!")) x_len = wrf_cdf.__getattribute__("WEST-EAST_GRID_DIMENSION") y_len = wrf_cdf.__getattribute__("SOUTH-NORTH_GRID_DIMENSION") dx = wrf_cdf.DX dy = wrf_cdf.DY x = np.arange(0, x_len) * dx - radar_loc[0] * 1e3 y = np.arange(0, y_len) * dy - radar_loc[1] * 1e3 z = np.mean(alt_wrf[timestep[0], :, :, :], axis=(0, 2, 3)) x, y, z = np.meshgrid(x, y, z) z = np.squeeze(alt_wrf[timestep[0], :, :, :]) z_stag = (z[1:, :, :] + z[:-1, :, :]) / 2.0 x_stag = (x[:, :, 1:] + x[:, :, :-1]) / 2.0 y_stag = (y[:, 1:, :] + y[:, :-1, :]) / 2.0 W_wrf = np.squeeze(W_wrf[timestep[0], :, :, :]) V_wrf = np.squeeze(V_wrf[timestep[0], :, :, :]) U_wrf = np.squeeze(U_wrf[timestep[0], :, :, :]) w = griddata( (z_stag, y, x), W_wrf, (new_grid_z, new_grid_y, new_grid_x), fill_value=0.0 ) v = griddata( (z, y_stag, x), V_wrf, (new_grid_z, new_grid_y, new_grid_x), fill_value=0.0 ) u = griddata( (z, y, x_stag), U_wrf, (new_grid_z, new_grid_y, new_grid_x), fill_value=0.0 ) u_field = {} u_field["standard_name"] = "u_wind" u_field["long_name"] = "meridional component of wind velocity" v_field = {} v_field["standard_name"] = "v_wind" v_field["long_name"] = "zonal component of wind velocity" w_field = {} w_field["standard_name"] = "w_wind" w_field["long_name"] = "vertical component of wind velocity" Grid["u"] = xr.DataArray(u, dims=("time", "z", "y", "x"), attrs=u_field) Grid["v"] = xr.DataArray(v, dims=("time", "z", "y", "x"), attrs=v_field) Grid["w"] = xr.DataArray(w, dims=("time", "z", "y", "x"), attrs=w_field) return Grid
def make_intialization_from_hrrr(Grid, file_path, method="linear"): """ This function will read an HRRR GRIB2 file and return initial guess u, v, and w fields from the model Parameters ---------- Grid: Py-ART Grid The Py-ART Grid to use as the grid specification. The HRRR values will be interpolated to the Grid's specficiation and added as a field. file_path: string The path to the GRIB2 file to load. method: str Interpolation method: 'nearest' for nearest neighbor, 'linear' for linear. Returns ------- Grid: Py-ART Grid This returns the Py-ART grid with the HRRR u, and v fields added. The shape will be the same shape as the fields in Grid and will correspond to the same x, y, and z locations as in Grid. """ if CFGRIB_AVAILABLE is False: raise RuntimeError( ( "The cfgrib optional dependency needs to be " + "installed for the HRRR integration feature." ) ) the_grib = cfgrib.open_file( file_path, filter_by_keys={"typeOfLevel": "isobaricInhPa"} ) # Load the HRR data and tranform longitude coordinates grb_u = the_grib.variables["u"] grb_v = the_grib.variables["v"] grb_w = the_grib.variables["w"] gh = the_grib.variables["gh"] lat = the_grib.variables["latitude"].data[:, :] lon = the_grib.variables["longitude"].data[:, :] lon[lon > 180] = lon[lon > 180] - 360 # Convert geometric height to geopotential height EARTH_MEAN_RADIUS = 6.3781e6 gh =[:, :, :] height = (EARTH_MEAN_RADIUS * gh) / (EARTH_MEAN_RADIUS - gh) height = height - Grid["radar_altitude"].values radar_grid_lat = Grid["point_latitude"].values radar_grid_lon = Grid["point_longitude"].values radar_grid_alt = Grid["point_z"].values lat_min = radar_grid_lat.min() lat_max = radar_grid_lat.max() lon_min = radar_grid_lon.min() lon_max = radar_grid_lon.max() lon_r = np.tile(lon, (height.shape[0], 1, 1)) lat_r = np.tile(lat, (height.shape[0], 1, 1)) lon_flattened = lon_r.flatten() lat_flattened = lat_r.flatten() height_flattened = gh.flatten() the_box = np.where( np.logical_and.reduce( ( lon_flattened >= lon_min, lat_flattened >= lat_min, lon_flattened <= lon_max, lat_flattened <= lat_max, ) ) )[0] lon_flattened = lon_flattened[the_box] lat_flattened = lat_flattened[the_box] height_flattened = height_flattened[the_box] u_flattened =[:, :, :].flatten() u_flattened = u_flattened[the_box] u_interp = NearestNDInterpolator( (height_flattened, lat_flattened, lon_flattened), u_flattened, rescale=True ) u_new = u_interp(radar_grid_alt, radar_grid_lat, radar_grid_lon) v_flattened =[:, :, :].flatten() v_flattened = v_flattened[the_box] v_interp = NearestNDInterpolator( (height_flattened, lat_flattened, lon_flattened), v_flattened, rescale=True ) v_new = v_interp(radar_grid_alt, radar_grid_lat, radar_grid_lon) w_flattened =[:, :, :].flatten() w_flattened = w_flattened[the_box] w_interp = NearestNDInterpolator( (height_flattened, lat_flattened, lon_flattened), w_flattened, rescale=True ) w_new = w_interp(radar_grid_alt, radar_grid_lat, radar_grid_lon) del grb_u, grb_v, grb_w, lat, lon del the_grib gc.collect() u_field = {} u_field["standard_name"] = "u_wind" u_field["long_name"] = "zonal component of wind velocity" v_field = {} v_field["standard_name"] = "v_wind" v_field["long_name"] = "meridonial component of wind velocity" w_field = {} w_field["standard_name"] = "w_wind" w_field["long_name"] = "vertical component of wind velocity" Grid["u"] = xr.DataArray(u_new, dims=("time", "z", "y", "x"), attrs=u_field) Grid["v"] = xr.DataArray(v_new, dims=("time", "z", "y", "x"), attrs=v_field) Grid["w"] = xr.DataArray(w_new, dims=("time", "z", "y", "x"), attrs=w_field) return Grid