
pydda.initialization.make_initialization_from_era5(Grid, file_name=None, vel_field=None, dest_era_file=None, method='nearest')[source]#

Written by: Hamid Ali Syed and Bobby Jackson This function will read ERA 5 in NetCDF format and add it to the Py-ART grid specified by Grid. PyDDA will automatically download the ERA 5 data that you need for the scan. It will chose the domain that is enclosed by the analysis grid and the time period that is closest to the scan. It will then do a Nearest Neighbor interpolation of the ERA-5 u and v winds to the analysis grid.

You need to have the ERA5 CDSAPI and an CDS Copernicus account set up in order to use this feature. Go to this website for instructions on installing the API and setting up your account:

  • Grid (Py-ART Grid) – The input Py-ART Grid to modify.

  • file_name (str or None) – The netCDF file containing the ERA 5 data. If the web API is experiencing delays, it is better to use it to download the file and then refer to it here. If this file does not exist PyDDA will use the API to create the file.

  • vel_field (str or None) – The name of the velocity field in the Py-ART grid. Set to None to have Py-DDA attempt to automatically detect it.

  • dest_era_file – If this is not None, PyDDA will save the interpolated grid into this file.

  • method (str) – Interpolation method: ‘nearest’ for nearest neighbor, ‘linear’ for linear.


new_Grid (Py-ART Grid) – The Py-ART Grid with the ERA5 data added into the “u_era”, “v_era”, and “w_era” fields.