
pydda.constraints.get_iem_obs(Grid, window=60.0)[source]#

Returns all of the station observations from the Iowa Mesonet for a given Grid in the format needed for PyDDA.

  • Grid (pyART Grid) – The Grid to retrieve the station data for.

  • window (float) – The window (in minutes) to look for the nearest observation in time.


station_data (list of dicts) – A list of dictionaries containing the following entries as keys:

lat - Latitude of the site (float)

lon - Longitude of the site (float)

u - u wind at the site (float)

v - v wind at the site (float)

w - w wind at the site (assumed to be 0) (float)

site_id - Station ID (string)

x, y, z - The (x, y, z) coordinates of the site in the Grid. (floats)