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# grab data

import os
import fsspec

#### Need to modify later
os.environ["LROSE_DIR"] = "/usr/local/lrose/bin"

# Set the URL and path to access the data on the cloud
URL = ""
path = f"pythia/radar/erad2024"

fs = fsspec.filesystem("s3", anon=True, client_kwargs=dict(endpoint_url=URL))


files = fs.glob(f"{path}/lrose/*/*.nc")  # paths .../lrose/CDV_0042, .../lrose/PBE_004
local_files = [
        f"simplecache::{URL}{i}", s3={"anon": True}, filecache={"cache_storage": "."}
    for i in files
# make subdirectory for fractl input (samurai already exists with center and terrain files)
#!mkdir -p ./fractl_input

# create SAMURAI output directory
!mkdir -p ./output_sam

# create FRACTL output directory
#!mkdir -p ./output_frac

# create links to cfradial files for fractl and rsync for SAMURAI (having issues with links)
for i in range(len(local_files)):
#    os.system('ln -sf '+local_files[i]+' ./fractl_input/'+files[i].split('/')[-1])
    os.system('rsync -av '+local_files[i]+' ./samurai_input/'+files[i].split('/')[-1])

# run fractl if desired
#!${LROSE_DIR}/fractl -params ./lrose_params/fractl_params
# run samurai
!${LROSE_DIR}/samurai -params ./lrose_params/samurai_params
Initializing SAMURAI 3D
iMin	iMax	iIncr	jMin	jMax	jIncr	kMin	kMax	kIncr
10	35	0.5	10	40	0.5	0	10	0.5

DEBUG: center date = 2018-01-07 00:00:00.000000000, time = 0
Found matching reference time 00:42:01 at 41.6016655, 1.40277696
Physical (mish) State size = 3971968
Nodal State size = 537579
Grid dimensions: (51, 61, 21)
Found zero C level at 1836.31949 based on reference sounding
Found 34 data files to read...
Processing 20180107.cen of type cen
Processing of type cfrad
i  = 1
Observation problem: 0, Time problem: 0, Coordinate problem: 0, Domain problem: 30699, Radius problem: 0
obVector size: 949
Processed 949 observations from 31772 entries (0.497817785%) file:
949 total observations. ( 2 of 34 files processed ) 
Processing of type cfrad
i  = 2
Observation problem: 0, Time problem: 0, Coordinate problem: 0, Domain problem: 24831, Radius problem: 0
obVector size: 1668
Processed 719 observations from 25568 entries (0.468684814%) file:
1668 total observations. ( 3 of 34 files processed ) 
Processing of type cfrad
i  = 3
Observation problem: 0, Time problem: 0, Coordinate problem: 0, Domain problem: 32227, Radius problem: 0
obVector size: 2667
Processed 999 observations from 33332 entries (0.499519981%) file:
2667 total observations. ( 4 of 34 files processed ) 
Processing of type cfrad
i  = 4
Observation problem: 0, Time problem: 0, Coordinate problem: 0, Domain problem: 27700, Radius problem: 0
obVector size: 3397
Processed 730 observations from 28446 entries (0.427710985%) file:
3397 total observations. ( 5 of 34 files processed ) 
Processing of type cfrad
i  = 5
Observation problem: 0, Time problem: 0, Coordinate problem: 0, Domain problem: 32671, Radius problem: 0
obVector size: 4395
Processed 998 observations from 33786 entries (0.492314371%) file:
4395 total observations. ( 6 of 34 files processed ) 
Processing of type cfrad
i  = 6
Observation problem: 0, Time problem: 0, Coordinate problem: 0, Domain problem: 30682, Radius problem: 0
obVector size: 5163
Processed 768 observations from 31456 entries (0.406917599%) file:
5163 total observations. ( 7 of 34 files processed ) 
Processing of type cfrad
i  = 7
Observation problem: 0, Time problem: 0, Coordinate problem: 0, Domain problem: 31713, Radius problem: 0
obVector size: 6195
Processed 1032 observations from 32856 entries (0.523496469%) file:
6195 total observations. ( 8 of 34 files processed ) 
Processing of type cfrad
i  = 8
Observation problem: 0, Time problem: 0, Coordinate problem: 0, Domain problem: 33360, Radius problem: 0
obVector size: 6954
Processed 759 observations from 34130 entries (0.370641664%) file:
6954 total observations. ( 9 of 34 files processed ) 
Processing of type cfrad
i  = 9
Observation problem: 0, Time problem: 0, Coordinate problem: 0, Domain problem: 29558, Radius problem: 0
obVector size: 7992
Processed 1038 observations from 30725 entries (0.563059398%) file:
7992 total observations. ( 10 of 34 files processed ) 
Processing of type cfrad
i  = 10
Observation problem: 0, Time problem: 0, Coordinate problem: 0, Domain problem: 33634, Radius problem: 0
obVector size: 8749
Processed 757 observations from 34400 entries (0.366763566%) file:
8749 total observations. ( 11 of 34 files processed ) 
Processing of type cfrad
i  = 11
Observation problem: 0, Time problem: 0, Coordinate problem: 0, Domain problem: 27510, Radius problem: 0
obVector size: 9762
Processed 1013 observations from 28657 entries (0.589152156%) file:
9762 total observations. ( 12 of 34 files processed ) 
Processing of type cfrad
i  = 12
Observation problem: 0, Time problem: 0, Coordinate problem: 0, Domain problem: 31107, Radius problem: 0
obVector size: 10463
Processed 701 observations from 31837 entries (0.366973438%) file:
10463 total observations. ( 13 of 34 files processed ) 
Processing of type cfrad
i  = 13
Observation problem: 0, Time problem: 0, Coordinate problem: 0, Domain problem: 21448, Radius problem: 0
obVector size: 11439
Processed 976 observations from 22545 entries (0.721519923%) file:
11439 total observations. ( 14 of 34 files processed ) 
Processing of type cfrad
i  = 14
Observation problem: 0, Time problem: 0, Coordinate problem: 0, Domain problem: 27802, Radius problem: 0
obVector size: 12075
Processed 636 observations from 28455 entries (0.372518011%) file:
12075 total observations. ( 15 of 34 files processed ) 
Processing of type cfrad
i  = 15
Observation problem: 0, Time problem: 0, Coordinate problem: 0, Domain problem: 18078, Radius problem: 0
obVector size: 12968
Processed 893 observations from 19115 entries (0.77862063%) file:
12968 total observations. ( 16 of 34 files processed ) 
Processing of type cfrad
i  = 16
Observation problem: 0, Time problem: 0, Coordinate problem: 0, Domain problem: 25612, Radius problem: 0
obVector size: 13595
Processed 627 observations from 26255 entries (0.398019425%) file:
13595 total observations. ( 17 of 34 files processed ) 
Processing of type cfrad
i  = 17
Observation problem: 0, Time problem: 0, Coordinate problem: 0, Domain problem: 14849, Radius problem: 0
obVector size: 14473
Processed 878 observations from 15823 entries (0.924814089%) file:
14473 total observations. ( 18 of 34 files processed ) 
Processing of type cfrad
i  = 18
Observation problem: 0, Time problem: 0, Coordinate problem: 0, Domain problem: 21862, Radius problem: 0
obVector size: 15054
Processed 581 observations from 22475 entries (0.430849092%) file:
15054 total observations. ( 19 of 34 files processed ) 
Processing of type cfrad
i  = 19
Observation problem: 0, Time problem: 0, Coordinate problem: 0, Domain problem: 11660, Radius problem: 0
obVector size: 15902
Processed 848 observations from 12604 entries (1.12133714%) file:
15902 total observations. ( 20 of 34 files processed ) 
Processing of type cfrad
i  = 20
Observation problem: 0, Time problem: 0, Coordinate problem: 0, Domain problem: 19200, Radius problem: 0
obVector size: 16431
Processed 529 observations from 19775 entries (0.445849136%) file:
16431 total observations. ( 21 of 34 files processed ) 
Processing of type cfrad
i  = 21
Observation problem: 0, Time problem: 0, Coordinate problem: 0, Domain problem: 7960, Radius problem: 0
obVector size: 17173
Processed 742 observations from 8742 entries (1.41462671%) file:
17173 total observations. ( 22 of 34 files processed ) 
Processing of type cfrad
i  = 22
Observation problem: 0, Time problem: 0, Coordinate problem: 0, Domain problem: 16330, Radius problem: 0
obVector size: 17482
Processed 309 observations from 16683 entries (0.308697476%) file:
17482 total observations. ( 23 of 34 files processed ) 
Processing of type cfrad
i  = 23
Observation problem: 0, Time problem: 0, Coordinate problem: 0, Domain problem: 6141, Radius problem: 0
obVector size: 18107
Processed 625 observations from 6861 entries (1.51824321%) file:
18107 total observations. ( 24 of 34 files processed ) 
Processing of type cfrad
i  = 24
Observation problem: 0, Time problem: 0, Coordinate problem: 0, Domain problem: 14452, Radius problem: 0
obVector size: 18136
Processed 29 observations from 14487 entries (0.0333632452%) file:
18136 total observations. ( 25 of 34 files processed ) 
Processing of type cfrad
i  = 25
Observation problem: 0, Time problem: 0, Coordinate problem: 0, Domain problem: 4552, Radius problem: 0
obVector size: 18249
Processed 113 observations from 4776 entries (0.394332775%) file:
18249 total observations. ( 26 of 34 files processed ) 
Processing of type cfrad
i  = 26
Observation problem: 0, Time problem: 0, Coordinate problem: 0, Domain problem: 12388, Radius problem: 0
obVector size: 18249
No valid observations in file
18249 total observations. ( 27 of 34 files processed ) 
Processing of type cfrad
i  = 27
Observation problem: 0, Time problem: 0, Coordinate problem: 0, Domain problem: 3852, Radius problem: 0
obVector size: 18259
Processed 10 observations from 3889 entries (0.0428559184%) file:
18259 total observations. ( 28 of 34 files processed ) 
Processing of type cfrad
i  = 28
Observation problem: 0, Time problem: 0, Coordinate problem: 0, Domain problem: 10608, Radius problem: 0
obVector size: 18259
No valid observations in file
18259 total observations. ( 29 of 34 files processed ) 
Processing of type cfrad
i  = 29
Observation problem: 0, Time problem: 0, Coordinate problem: 0, Domain problem: 3077, Radius problem: 0
obVector size: 18259
No valid observations in file
18259 total observations. ( 30 of 34 files processed ) 
Processing of type cfrad
i  = 30
Observation problem: 0, Time problem: 0, Coordinate problem: 0, Domain problem: 9293, Radius problem: 0
obVector size: 18259
No valid observations in file
18259 total observations. ( 31 of 34 files processed ) 
Processing of type cfrad
i  = 31
Observation problem: 0, Time problem: 0, Coordinate problem: 0, Domain problem: 2914, Radius problem: 0
obVector size: 18259
No valid observations in file
18259 total observations. ( 32 of 34 files processed ) 
Processing of type cfrad
i  = 32
Observation problem: 0, Time problem: 0, Coordinate problem: 0, Domain problem: 8402, Radius problem: 0
obVector size: 18259
No valid observations in file
18259 total observations. ( 33 of 34 files processed ) 
Processing terrain.hgt of type hgt
i  = 33
Observation problem: 0, Time problem: 0, Coordinate problem: 0, Domain problem: 104, Radius problem: 0
obVector size: 27280
Processed 9021 observations from 3111 entries (48.3285117%) file: terrain.hgt
27280 total observations. ( 34 of 34 files processed ) 
92611 total observations including pseudo-obs for W and mass continuity
Finished preprocessing 33 files.
Number of New Observations: 92611
runTime: loadMetObs: 14.363112
done with stof conversion...
kRankMax: 23
runTime: initObCost3D: 0.01922
runTime: gridDependentInit: 14.394375
Outer Loop Iteration: 1
Initializing state vector...
4th Order Recursive Filter coefficients computed for lengthscale 4 Delta X
4th Order Recursive Filter coefficients computed for lengthscale 4 Delta X
4th Order Recursive Filter coefficients computed for lengthscale 4 Delta X
i Spline cutoff set to 2
j Spline cutoff set to 2
k Spline cutoff set to 2
Mass continuity weight set to 1
Initializing background...
Variable 0 RMS = 0	 BG Error = 5.05923221e-321 ( Infinite! %)
Variable 1 RMS = 0	 BG Error = 0 ( Infinite! %)
Variable 2 RMS = 0	 BG Error = 0 ( Infinite! %)
Variable 3 RMS = 0	 BG Error = 4.66019637e-310 ( Infinite! %)
Variable 4 RMS = 0	 BG Error = 1.38338381e-322 ( Infinite! %)
Variable 5 RMS = 0	 BG Error = 6.90503772e-310 ( Infinite! %)
Variable 6 RMS = 4.06861428	 BG Error = 0 ( 0 %)
Build H transform matrix...
calcHmatrix: Grid dimensions: (53, 63, 23)
sizeof(integer): 8
Non-zero entries in sparse H matrix: 7560194 = 0.0151854641 %
Memory usage for [H]             (Mbytes): 57.6797028
Memory usage for [obsVector]     (Mbytes): 24.729805
Memory usage for [obsData]       (Mbytes): 0.706565857
Memory usage for [HCq]           (Mbytes): 1.29248047
Memory usage for [mPtr,mVal,I2H] (Mbytes): 119.460815
Memory usage for [IH,JH]         (Mbytes): 58.3862762
Memory usage for [state]         (Mbytes): 4.10140228
Initializing innovation vector...
Innovation RMS : 4.14597356
Outputting background...
Beginning analysis...
runTime: Cost3D Init: 4.130128
Beginning minimize()
	Solver conv. tolerance = 0.0001
SOLVER: Samurai Truncated Newton 
	Newton Iteration: 0	J = 162295.75	Residual = 8824.86594
		CG iteration       0:  r_norm =        8824.86594150     rel_resid =   1.0000000000
		CG iteration       1:  r_norm =        5615.89841651     rel_resid =   0.6363720938
		CG iteration       2:  r_norm =        7253.96362984     rel_resid =   0.8219913682
		CG iteration       3:  r_norm =        3719.27506046     rel_resid =   0.4214540011
		CG iteration       4:  r_norm =        3431.15302209     rel_resid =   0.3888051155
		CG iteration       5:  r_norm =        3431.65020968     rel_resid =   0.3888614549
		CG iteration       6:  r_norm =        2570.45376292     rel_resid =   0.2912739729
		CG iteration       7:  r_norm =        2538.87481416     rel_resid =   0.2876955674
		CG iteration       8:  r_norm =        1992.34761062     rel_resid =   0.2257651985
		CG iteration       9:  r_norm =        1689.11150344     rel_resid =   0.1914036445
		CG iteration      10:  r_norm =        1761.64803318     rel_resid =   0.1996232062
		CG iteration      11:  r_norm =        1538.37004739     rel_resid =   0.1743222002
		CG iteration      12:  r_norm =        1605.00467853     rel_resid =   0.1818729813
		CG iteration      13:  r_norm =        1443.10645291     rel_resid =   0.1635272946
		CG iteration      14:  r_norm =        1228.59333689     rel_resid =   0.1392194901
		CG iteration      15:  r_norm =        1390.72749523     rel_resid =   0.1575919118
		CG iteration      16:  r_norm =        1218.73565071     rel_resid =   0.1381024549
		CG iteration      17:  r_norm =         981.90111401     rel_resid =   0.1112652725
		CG iteration      18:  r_norm =        1014.00705665     rel_resid =   0.1149033949
		CG iteration      19:  r_norm =        1058.33085927     rel_resid =   0.1199259985
		CG iteration      20:  r_norm =         881.77321618     rel_resid =   0.0999191627
		CG iteration      21:  r_norm =         939.83333144     rel_resid =   0.1064983126
		CG iteration      22:  r_norm =         718.47392112     rel_resid =   0.0814147122
		CG iteration      23:  r_norm =         960.82647771     rel_resid =   0.1088771755
		CG iteration      24:  r_norm =         703.36095568     rel_resid =   0.0797021689
		CG iteration      25:  r_norm =         678.01820828     rel_resid =   0.0768304258
		CG iteration      26:  r_norm =         626.67179983     rel_resid =   0.0710120475
		CG iteration      27:  r_norm =         552.19382315     rel_resid =   0.0625724886
		CG iteration      28:  r_norm =         707.75468638     rel_resid =   0.0802000496
		CG iteration      29:  r_norm =         541.74635610     rel_resid =   0.0613886216
		CG iteration      30:  r_norm =         574.86443956     rel_resid =   0.0651414360
		CG iteration      31:  r_norm =         473.85288570     rel_resid =   0.0536951937
		CG iteration      32:  r_norm =         545.11389650     rel_resid =   0.0617702184
		CG iteration      33:  r_norm =         452.88419724     rel_resid =   0.0513191022
		CG iteration      34:  r_norm =         668.67522952     rel_resid =   0.0757717153
		CG iteration      35:  r_norm =         519.55850739     rel_resid =   0.0588743796
		CG iteration      36:  r_norm =         429.82448774     rel_resid =   0.0487060643
		CG iteration      37:  r_norm =         586.88989789     rel_resid =   0.0665041148
		CG iteration      38:  r_norm =         440.25855214     rel_resid =   0.0498884125
		CG iteration      39:  r_norm =         331.76330402     rel_resid =   0.0375941466
		CG iteration      40:  r_norm =         324.40613048     rel_resid =   0.0367604599
		CG iteration      41:  r_norm =         300.03256556     rel_resid =   0.0339985409
		CG iteration      42:  r_norm =         305.22813044     rel_resid =   0.0345872824
		CG iteration      43:  r_norm =         406.78665347     rel_resid =   0.0460955052
		CG iteration      44:  r_norm =         234.18100511     rel_resid =   0.0265364943
		CG iteration      45:  r_norm =         247.22923589     rel_resid =   0.0280150699
		CG iteration      46:  r_norm =         389.17699582     rel_resid =   0.0441000462
		CG iteration      47:  r_norm =         261.47904260     rel_resid =   0.0296298034
		CG iteration      48:  r_norm =         236.49154438     rel_resid =   0.0267983158
		CG iteration      49:  r_norm =         376.21524727     rel_resid =   0.0426312705
		CG iteration      50:  r_norm =         225.42893415     rel_resid =   0.0255447432
		CG iteration      51:  r_norm =         194.86760693     rel_resid =   0.0220816507
		CG iteration      52:  r_norm =         215.19874239     rel_resid =   0.0243854971
		CG iteration      53:  r_norm =         287.76081745     rel_resid =   0.0326079534
		CG iteration      54:  r_norm =         197.79760506     rel_resid =   0.0224136668
		CG iteration      55:  r_norm =         185.83492832     rel_resid =   0.0210581021
		CG iteration      56:  r_norm =         243.86758187     rel_resid =   0.0276341401
		CG iteration      57:  r_norm =         173.24874471     rel_resid =   0.0196318840
		CG iteration      58:  r_norm =         253.36085600     rel_resid =   0.0287098816
		CG iteration      59:  r_norm =         169.77387937     rel_resid =   0.0192381256
		CG iteration      60:  r_norm =         158.23201608     rel_resid =   0.0179302459
		CG iteration      61:  r_norm =         208.56118994     rel_resid =   0.0236333550
		CG iteration      62:  r_norm =         137.76569088     rel_resid =   0.0156110803
		CG iteration      63:  r_norm =         236.83214040     rel_resid =   0.0268369108
		CG iteration      64:  r_norm =         127.30258176     rel_resid =   0.0144254409
		CG iteration      65:  r_norm =         164.14864235     rel_resid =   0.0186006953
		CG iteration      66:  r_norm =         131.90117197     rel_resid =   0.0149465355
		CG iteration      67:  r_norm =         110.91050109     rel_resid =   0.0125679531
		CG iteration      68:  r_norm =         144.39577105     rel_resid =   0.0163623756
		CG iteration      69:  r_norm =          96.62031752     rel_resid =   0.0109486442
		CG iteration      70:  r_norm =          98.49916777     rel_resid =   0.0111615483
		CG iteration      71:  r_norm =         138.49123157     rel_resid =   0.0156932958
		CG iteration      72:  r_norm =         120.86417679     rel_resid =   0.0136958655
		CG iteration      73:  r_norm =         124.52467712     rel_resid =   0.0141106594
		CG iteration      74:  r_norm =          81.25911684     rel_resid =   0.0092079718
		CG iteration      75:  r_norm =          90.75868943     rel_resid =   0.0102844270
		CG iteration      76:  r_norm =         104.07402960     rel_resid =   0.0117932703
		CG iteration      77:  r_norm =          70.12596942     rel_resid =   0.0079464062
		CG iteration      78:  r_norm =         118.99382582     rel_resid =   0.0134839245
		CG iteration      79:  r_norm =          69.45493503     rel_resid =   0.0078703672
		CG iteration      80:  r_norm =         105.94122819     rel_resid =   0.0120048541
		CG iteration      81:  r_norm =          88.93113561     rel_resid =   0.0100773356
		CG iteration      82:  r_norm =          76.71855697     rel_resid =   0.0086934530
		CG iteration      83:  r_norm =          87.97351094     rel_resid =   0.0099688212
		CG iteration      84:  r_norm =          58.34458877     rel_resid =   0.0066113853
		CG iteration      85:  r_norm =          52.67166495     rel_resid =   0.0059685513
		CG iteration      86:  r_norm =          62.50258947     rel_resid =   0.0070825540
		CG iteration      87:  r_norm =          62.02462742     rel_resid =   0.0070283932
		CG iteration      88:  r_norm =          88.73856375     rel_resid =   0.0100555141
		CG iteration      89:  r_norm =          50.35501554     rel_resid =   0.0057060374
		CG iteration      90:  r_norm =          66.36236497     rel_resid =   0.0075199290
		CG iteration      91:  r_norm =          61.48398756     rel_resid =   0.0069671299
		CG iteration      92:  r_norm =          58.47102767     rel_resid =   0.0066257129
		CG iteration      93:  r_norm =          42.62680415     rel_resid =   0.0048303061
		CG iteration      94:  r_norm =          56.07672008     rel_resid =   0.0063543991
		CG iteration      95:  r_norm =          36.06532961     rel_resid =   0.0040867850
		CG iteration      96:  r_norm =          35.37625167     rel_resid =   0.0040087013
		CG iteration      97:  r_norm =          51.57801829     rel_resid =   0.0058446234
		CG iteration      98:  r_norm =          41.83336626     rel_resid =   0.0047403968
		CG iteration      99:  r_norm =          41.20600784     rel_resid =   0.0046693069
		CG iteration     100:  r_norm =          45.76146183     rel_resid =   0.0051855135
		CG iteration     101:  r_norm =          35.76087598     rel_resid =   0.0040522855
		CG iteration     102:  r_norm =          32.15313366     rel_resid =   0.0036434699
		CG iteration     103:  r_norm =          45.98787615     rel_resid =   0.0052111699
		CG iteration     104:  r_norm =          46.99801377     rel_resid =   0.0053256349
		CG iteration     105:  r_norm =          28.82702720     rel_resid =   0.0032665683
		CG iteration     106:  r_norm =          25.43263163     rel_resid =   0.0028819284
		CG iteration     107:  r_norm =          28.16531310     rel_resid =   0.0031915854
		CG iteration     108:  r_norm =          29.95134475     rel_resid =   0.0033939716
		CG iteration     109:  r_norm =          30.77700134     rel_resid =   0.0034875319
		CG iteration     110:  r_norm =          21.37121955     rel_resid =   0.0024217047
		CG iteration     111:  r_norm =          24.46411719     rel_resid =   0.0027721800
		CG iteration     112:  r_norm =          29.66593552     rel_resid =   0.0033616302
		CG iteration     113:  r_norm =          25.20063967     rel_resid =   0.0028556399
		CG iteration     114:  r_norm =          23.26443675     rel_resid =   0.0026362368
		CG iteration     115:  r_norm =          17.47873943     rel_resid =   0.0019806238
		CG iteration     116:  r_norm =          24.67364332     rel_resid =   0.0027959227
		CG iteration     117:  r_norm =          18.27643370     rel_resid =   0.0020710154
		CG iteration     118:  r_norm =          18.24765147     rel_resid =   0.0020677540
		CG iteration     119:  r_norm =          19.95634112     rel_resid =   0.0022613761
		CG iteration     120:  r_norm =          17.93586214     rel_resid =   0.0020324232
		CG iteration     121:  r_norm =          14.08204592     rel_resid =   0.0015957235
		CG iteration     122:  r_norm =          14.44470256     rel_resid =   0.0016368184
		CG iteration     123:  r_norm =          17.02149068     rel_resid =   0.0019288101
		CG iteration     124:  r_norm =          19.77628569     rel_resid =   0.0022409729
		CG iteration     125:  r_norm =          13.14771323     rel_resid =   0.0014898485
		CG iteration     126:  r_norm =          19.71696249     rel_resid =   0.0022342507
		CG iteration     127:  r_norm =          11.08626557     rel_resid =   0.0012562531
		CG iteration     128:  r_norm =          15.00003568     rel_resid =   0.0016997466
		CG iteration     129:  r_norm =          14.63790738     rel_resid =   0.0016587116
		CG iteration     130:  r_norm =          14.11250775     rel_resid =   0.0015991753
		CG iteration     131:  r_norm =          11.54584858     rel_resid =   0.0013083313
		CG iteration     132:  r_norm =           9.55908846     rel_resid =   0.0010831993
		CG iteration     133:  r_norm =          10.06208086     rel_resid =   0.0011401965
	CG iteration     134:  r_norm =           8.55682997     rel_resid =   0.0009696272
		CG iteration     135:  r_norm =           7.42669296     rel_resid =   0.0008415644
		CG iteration     136:  r_norm =          11.01115193     rel_resid =   0.0012477416
		CG iteration     137:  r_norm =          10.91470095     rel_resid =   0.0012368121
		CG iteration     138:  r_norm =           9.10785455     rel_resid =   0.0010320672
		CG iteration     139:  r_norm =          10.34154941     rel_resid =   0.0011718648
		CG iteration     140:  r_norm =           8.51499874     rel_resid =   0.0009648870
		CG iteration     141:  r_norm =           7.65966156     rel_resid =   0.0008679635
		CG iteration     142:  r_norm =           6.29202168     rel_resid =   0.0007129878
		CG iteration     143:  r_norm =           8.27504196     rel_resid =   0.0009376961
		CG iteration     144:  r_norm =           8.05174652     rel_resid =   0.0009123931
		CG iteration     145:  r_norm =           7.13579119     rel_resid =   0.0008086005
		CG iteration     146:  r_norm =           8.22453095     rel_resid =   0.0009319723
		CG iteration     147:  r_norm =           7.86619343     rel_resid =   0.0008913669
		CG iteration     148:  r_norm =           7.20886998     rel_resid =   0.0008168815
		CG iteration     149:  r_norm =           5.87314888     rel_resid =   0.0006655227
		CG iteration     150:  r_norm =           5.55234329     rel_resid =   0.0006291703
		CG iteration     151:  r_norm =           7.28056957     rel_resid =   0.0008250063
		CG iteration     152:  r_norm =           6.41635268     rel_resid =   0.0007270765
		CG iteration     153:  r_norm =           4.59359688     rel_resid =   0.0005205288
		CG iteration     154:  r_norm =           4.04930476     rel_resid =   0.0004588517
		CG iteration     155:  r_norm =           5.03025264     rel_resid =   0.0005700090
		CG iteration     156:  r_norm =           4.35901882     rel_resid =   0.0004939473
		CG iteration     157:  r_norm =           5.03632665     rel_resid =   0.0005706972
		CG iteration     158:  r_norm =           5.64617856     rel_resid =   0.0006398033
		CG iteration     159:  r_norm =           3.22142933     rel_resid =   0.0003650400
		CG iteration     160:  r_norm =           3.05328987     rel_resid =   0.0003459871
		CG iteration     161:  r_norm =           4.12198049     rel_resid =   0.0004670870
		CG iteration     162:  r_norm =           3.05290605     rel_resid =   0.0003459436
		CG iteration     163:  r_norm =           5.03626813     rel_resid =   0.0005706906
		CG iteration     164:  r_norm =           2.75024701     rel_resid =   0.0003116475
		CG iteration     165:  r_norm =           5.76258314     rel_resid =   0.0006529938
		CG iteration     166:  r_norm =           2.68324107     rel_resid =   0.0003040546
		CG iteration     167:  r_norm =           2.41854946     rel_resid =   0.0002740608
		CG iteration     168:  r_norm =           4.23095019     rel_resid =   0.0004794351
		CG iteration     169:  r_norm =           3.55951775     rel_resid =   0.0004033509
		CG iteration     170:  r_norm =           2.81041974     rel_resid =   0.0003184660
		CG iteration     171:  r_norm =           2.64979449     rel_resid =   0.0003002646
		CG iteration     172:  r_norm =           2.67075879     rel_resid =   0.0003026402
		CG iteration     173:  r_norm =           2.00937033     rel_resid =   0.0002276941
		CG iteration     174:  r_norm =           2.09722403     rel_resid =   0.0002376494
		CG iteration     175:  r_norm =           2.69225255     rel_resid =   0.0003050757
		CG iteration     176:  r_norm =           2.34224956     rel_resid =   0.0002654147
		CG iteration     177:  r_norm =           2.79358790     rel_resid =   0.0003165587
		CG iteration     178:  r_norm =           1.84253016     rel_resid =   0.0002087885
		CG iteration     179:  r_norm =           2.18936334     rel_resid =   0.0002480903
		CG iteration     180:  r_norm =           2.03963223     rel_resid =   0.0002311233
		CG iteration     181:  r_norm =           2.27059905     rel_resid =   0.0002572956
		CG iteration     182:  r_norm =           1.70054072     rel_resid =   0.0001926988
		CG iteration     183:  r_norm =           2.17775824     rel_resid =   0.0002467752
		CG iteration     184:  r_norm =           1.57575370     rel_resid =   0.0001785584
		CG iteration     185:  r_norm =           1.74949890     rel_resid =   0.0001982465
		CG iteration     186:  r_norm =           1.49043286     rel_resid =   0.0001688901
		CG iteration     187:  r_norm =           1.25994887     rel_resid =   0.0001427726
		CG iteration     188:  r_norm =           1.16790644     rel_resid =   0.0001323427
		CG iteration     189:  r_norm =           1.30090705     rel_resid =   0.0001474138
		CG iteration     190:  r_norm =           1.62162029     rel_resid =   0.0001837558
		CG iteration     191:  r_norm =           1.11138509     rel_resid =   0.0001259379
		CG iteration     192:  r_norm =           1.38256998     rel_resid =   0.0001566675
		CG iteration     193:  r_norm =           1.63187337     rel_resid =   0.0001849176
		CG iteration     194:  r_norm =           0.86796514     rel_resid =   0.0000983545
		MT LS: Number of function evals = 1
		MT LS: step = 1.0000000000
	Newton Iteration: 1	J = 20529.5642703829	Residual = 0.8679651393
	Minimum J: 20529.5642703829
	Found minimum in 1 outer Newton iterations.
	(and a total of 194 inner CG iterations.)
	FINAL  ||g(X)||/||g(X0)|| = 0.0000983545
		 (Linesearch iterations = 1 )
runTime: Cost3D minimize: 109.7625850000
Outputting increment...
Outputting analysis...
runTime: Cost3d update: 6.4667280000
Analysis successful!
PropList::~PropList - H5Pclose failed
PropList::~PropList - H5Pclose failed
PropList::~PropList - H5Pclose failed
PropList::~PropList - H5Pclose failed
PropList::~PropList - H5Pclose failed
PropList::~PropList - H5Pclose failed
PropList::~PropList - H5Pclose failed
PropList::~PropList - H5Pclose failed