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Projects Overview

Wind Retrievals over Complex Terrain with LROSE and PyDDA

Within this project, students will use LROSE wind tools and PyDDA to derive 3-dimensional wind retrievals over complex terrain across Europe and beyond.

Spaceborne / Ground Radar Comparison with GPM-API, xradar and wradlib

Students will compare spaceborne radar data, from the Global Preciptiation Measurement (GPM) suite of instruments, to ground radar across Italy. They will use a suite of openradar tools to complete this comparison.

Creating analysis-ready data with xradar with Quasi-Vertical Profiles (QVPs)

In this project, students will demonstrate how utilizing radar data in the Analysis-Ready Cloud-Optimized (ARCO) format enables efficient computation of Quantitative Precipitation Estimates (QPE) and Quasi-Vertical Profiles (QVP). The ARCO format ensures that radar data is pre-processed, clean, and well-organized, significantly reducing the time spent on data preparation and cleaning.

Quantative Precipitation Estimation (QPE) in Northern Italy

In this project we will learn how to setup a data processing chain for radar rainfall rate retrieval. The project will show the main steps involved between reading raw polarimetric moments to comparing rainfall rate retrievals with rain gauges, including clutter filtering, PhiDP estimation, KDP retrieval, etc. During the course, the processing chain implementation will be performed with Pyrad. Examples of how to implement a processing chain using other available software packages will be provided as post-course material.