BALTRAD I/O model - making sense out of data and metadata

Import the file I/O module along with the main RAVE module containing useful constants

%matplotlib inline
import _raveio, _rave

Read an input ODIM_H5 file

rio ="data/201405190715_SUR.h5")

What is the payload in the I/O container?

rio.objectType is _rave.Rave_ObjectType_PVOL

How many scans does this volume contain?

pvol = rio.object
print("%i scans in polar volume" % pvol.getNumberOfScans())

Ascending or descending scan strategy?


Where is this site?

Note that all angles are represented internally in radians

from Proj import rd
print("Site is located at %2.3f° lon, %2.3f° lat and %3.1f masl" % (pvol.longitude*rd, pvol.latitude*rd, pvol.height))
print("Site's ODIM source identifiers are: %s" % pvol.source)

Access lowest scan and query some characteristics

scan = pvol.getScan(0)
nrays, nbins = scan.nrays, scan.nbins
print("Elevation angle %2.1f°" % (scan.elangle*rd))
print("%i rays per sweep" % nrays)
print("%i bins per ray" % nbins)
print("%3.1f meter range bins" % scan.rscale)
print("First ray scanned is ray %i (indexing starts at 0)" % scan.a1gate)
print("Data acquisition started on %s:%sZ" % (scan.startdate, scan.starttime))
print("Data acquisition ended on %s:%sZ" % (scan.enddate, scan.endtime))
print("Scan contains %i quantities: %s" % (len(scan.getParameterNames()), scan.getParameterNames()))

Access horizontal reflectivity and query some characteristics

dbzh = scan.getParameter("DBZH")
print("Quantity is %s" % dbzh.quantity)
print("8-bit unsigned byte data? %s" % str(dbzh.datatype is _rave.RaveDataType_UCHAR))
print("Linear scaling coefficients from 0-255 to dBZ: gain=%2.1f, offset=%2.1f" % (dbzh.gain, dbzh.offset))
print("Unradiated areas = %2.1f, radiated areas with no echo = %2.1f" % (dbzh.nodata, dbzh.undetect))

dbzh_data = dbzh.getData()  # Accesses the NumPy array containing the reflectivities
print("NumPy array's dimensions = %s and type = %s" % (str(dbzh_data.shape), dbzh_data.dtype))

A primitive visualizer for plotting B-scans

# Convenience functionality. First convert a palette from GoogleMapsPlugin for use with matplotlib
import matplotlib
from GmapColorMap import dbzh as pal
colorlist = []
for i in range(0, len(pal), 3):
    colorlist.append([pal[i]/255.0, pal[i+1]/255.0, pal[i+2]/255.0])

# Then create a simple plotter
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def plot(data):
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16,12))
    plt.imshow(data, cmap=matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap(colorlist), clim=(0,255))

Management of optional metadata

While manadatory metadata are represented as object attributes in Python, optional metadata are not!

print("Polar volume has %i optional attributes" % len(pvol.getAttributeNames()))
print("Polar scan has %i optional attributes" % len(scan.getAttributeNames()))
print("Quantity %s has %i optional attributes" % (dbzh.quantity, len(dbzh.getAttributeNames())))

print("Mandatory attribute: beamwidth is %2.1f°" % (pvol.beamwidth*rd))
print("Optional attributes: Radar is a %s running %s" % (pvol.getAttribute("how/system"), pvol.getAttribute("how/software")))

Add a bogus attribute = "bar"
dbzh.addAttribute("how/foo", "bar")
print("Quantity %s now has %i optional attributes" % (dbzh.quantity, len(dbzh.getAttributeNames())))

Create an empty parameter and populate it

import _polarscanparam
param =
param.quantity = "DBZH"
param.nodata, param.undetect = 255.0, 0.0
param.gain, param.offset = 0.4, -30.0

import numpy
data = numpy.zeros((420,500), numpy.uint8)

Create an empty scan and add the parameter to it

import _polarscan
from Proj import dr
newscan =
newscan.elangle = 25.0*dr
newscan.addAttribute("how/simulated", "True")

print("%i rays per sweep" % newscan.nrays)
print("%i bins per ray" % newscan.nbins)

See how the parameter’s dimensions were passed along to the scan, so they don’t have to be set explicitly. Nevertheless, plenty of metadata must be handled explicitly or ODIM_H5 files risk being incomplete.

newscan.a1gate = 0
newscan.beamwidth = 1.0*dr
newscan.rscale = 500.0
newscan.rstart = 0.0  # Distance in meters to the start of the first range bin, unknown=0.0
newscan.startdate = "20140831"
newscan.starttime = "145005"
newscan.enddate = "20140831"
newscan.endtime = "145020"

# Top-level attributes = "20140831"
newscan.time = "145000"
newscan.source = "WMO:26232,RAD:EE41,PLC:Sürgavere,NOD:eesur"
newscan.longitude = 25.519*dr
newscan.latitude = 58.482*dr
newscan.height = 157.0

Now create a new I/O container and write the scan to ODIM_H5 file.

container =
container.object = newscan"data/myscan.h5")

import os
print("ODIM_H5 file is %i bytes large" % os.path.getsize("data/myscan.h5"))

Remove compression. It makes file I/O faster. You can also tune HDF5 file-creation properties through the I/O container object.

container.compression_level = 0  # ZLIB compression levels 0-9"data/myscan.h5")
print("ODIM_H5 file is now %i bytes large" % os.path.getsize("data/myscan.h5"))